
The Latest Sermon from Journey Church

The Hidden Enemy: Selfish Desires and Their Consequences

The Hidden Enemy: Selfish Desires and Their Consequences

Self-centered desires are the main source of conflicts, arguments, and fractured relationships. These desires can be concealed and often spark disputes. Regular self-reflection is essential to recognize and address these selfish inclinations. It’s important to refrain from slander and gossip, as they have the power to either uplift or harm others. Additionally, recognizing and submitting to God’s authority over your plans is vital.

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Caleb, the 85-Year-Old Giant Slayer

Caleb, the 85-Year-Old Giant Slayer Hidden Truths. (Joshua 14:10-12, NCV) What battle have you been avoiding? What’s caused you the greatest fear in 2024? The problems (giants) don’t just go away, we have to fight them, face them, and finish them. Stop running from...

The Past Helps Prepare You for the Future

The Past Helps Prepare You for the Future Apply the growth cycle to have the best 2025.(2 Peter 3:18,NIV) God’s grace gives us the power to move forward; God’s knowledge helps us learn and avoid repeating mistakes. The only guarantee that life will get better is to...

The Gift of the Promise

The Gift of the Promise Jesus: The fulfillment of God’s ultimate promise. Luke 2:11, NIV As soon as Adam and Eve sinned, God made a promise to send a Savior. Genesis 3:15,NIV You can’t out-sin God, you can only run from Him and your sins. Allow your sin to cause you...

The Gift of Perseverance

The Gift of Perseverance Perseverance is predictable. (Luke 2:4-5,NIV) You will experience God’s promises and provisions. You get to experience a quality of life that others won’t. (James 1:12, NIV; Galatians 6:9, NIV; Hebrews 10:36,NIV) You will have answered...

The Gift of Peace

The Gift of Peace  Jesus, our wonderful Counselor. (Isaiah 9:6,NIV) 1.He provides wisdom and guidance beyond human understanding.(John 14:26,NIV) We can go from a wondering life to a wonderful life. How Jesus brings us peace: Through His counsel.(Isaiah 30:21,NIV;...

The Gift of God’s Presence

The Gift of God’s Presence God is with us in our struggles. (Matthew 1:23) God sent Jesus so that we would never have to face struggles alone. (Psalm 46:1) God didn’t just send us a Savior, He sent someone who would walk through human struggles and fully understand...

Sowing Generosity, Reaping Joy

Sowing Generosity, Reaping Joy God honors generous giving. (2 Corinthians 9:6-8, NIV) When you don’t tithe and give generously, you should expect to get. It’s all about the heart. God honors those who give with a joyful heart. Don’t give out of pressure but give out...

The Transformative Power of Thanksgiving

The Transformative Power of Thanksgiving Have the peace of Christ rule your heart. (Colossians 3:15-17, NIV) Surrender control and trust God’s sovereignty. Secure yourself in God’s Word. Settle the peace of Christ deep within you. The overflow of peace should lead to...

Mercy Before Miracles

Mercy Before Miracles Mercy pathway to miracles. (Luke 17:11-19, NKJV) The lepers did not ask for a miracle, they asked for mercy. Most miracles come as a result of seeking God’s mercy, not from relying on our own good works or goodness. If you need God’s mercy and...

In God We Trust, Even During Elections

In God We Trust, Even During Elections The nation is only a reflection of the people. (Proverbs 11:11, NIV; Psalm 33:12, NKJV; Proverbs 29:2, NKJV; Proverbs 14:34, NIV) What goes on in America is a reflection of the people. It does matter if you vote or not, that is...

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The Hidden Enemy: Selfish Desires and Their Consequences

The Hidden Enemy: Selfish Desires and Their Consequences

Self-centered desires are the main source of conflicts, arguments, and fractured relationships. These desires can be concealed and often spark disputes. Regular self-reflection is essential to recognize and address these selfish inclinations. It’s important to refrain from slander and gossip, as they have the power to either uplift or harm others. Additionally, recognizing and submitting to God’s authority over your plans is vital.

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Faith Without Favoritism

Faith Without Favoritism

Faith Without Favoritism Favoritism contradicts faith in Christ. (James 2:1-13, NIV) God made each person unique. (Psalm 139:14, NIV) Mocking others is mocking their maker (God). (Proverbs 17:5, NIV; 2 Kings 2:23-24, NIV) We are called to love, not judge. (James 2:8,...

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The Blessing of Passing the Test

The Blessing of Passing the Test

The Blessing of Passing the Test Blessing in perseverance. (James 1:12-18, NIV) Crown of life is a special quality of life for those who persevere or pass the test and rewards in heaven. God wants us as Christians to have a special quality of life that those who don’t...

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Secrets of Triumphant Living

Secrets of Triumphant Living

Secrets to Triumphant Living Lasting joy comes through obedience, not just learning. (James 1:4, NIV) Perseverance implies obedience. Learning how to have joy in trials is one of the fastest and wisest ways to grow as a Christian. (James 1:2, NIV) God can use trials...

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The Gift of the Promise

The Gift of the Promise

The Gift of the Promise Jesus: The fulfillment of God’s ultimate promise. Luke 2:11, NIV As soon as Adam and Eve sinned, God made a promise to send a Savior. Genesis 3:15,NIV You can’t out-sin God, you can only run from Him and your sins. Allow your sin to cause you...

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The Gift of God’s Presence

The Gift of God’s Presence

The Gift of God’s Presence God is with us in our struggles. (Matthew 1:23) God sent Jesus so that we would never have to face struggles alone. (Psalm 46:1) God didn’t just send us a Savior, He sent someone who would walk through human struggles and fully understand...

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Giants or Grapes? What You See Shapes Your Victory

Giants or Grapes? What You See Shapes Your Victory

Giants or Grapes? What You See Shapes Your Victory Realize God has already promised it to you. God has already won the war, but you will have to fight the battle. (Exodus 3:8, NIV) When you get saved, God has promised you abundant life. (John 10:10,NKJV; 2 Corinthians...

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The Coach’s Playbook

The Coach’s Playbook

The Coach’s Playbook: Following God’s Plan Answering God’s Call. (Exodus 3:10,NKJV) A burning bush got Moses’ attention and then God spoke to Him.(Exodus 3:11-12,NKJV; Exodus 4:10-12,NLT2) Stages of Moses’ calling: The call–something got his attention. Answer the...

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Game Plan: Moses Called

Game Plan: Moses Called

Game Plan: Moses Called Part 1 Crime and Exile. a. Moses’ flight from Egypt.(Exodus 2:11-15)b. Moses’ life in Midian.(Exodus 2:21-22) God hears us. (Exodus 2:23-25,NIV) God hears your cries and knows your hurts. God is just as concerned about yours hurts as He was the...

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Time to Recharge

Time to Recharge

Time to Recharge Trust in God’s Word.(Romans 3:4,NKJV) The wisest thing you can do is admit you don’t know what you don’t know and learn from someone who does. Learn from those who have succeeded. Identify those who have the marriage, finances, family, and...

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The Myth of Fatherhood

The Myth of Fatherhood

The Myth of Fatherhood The Myth: That any father but God can be the perfect father. While Abraham was used greatly by God and had many great qualities, he was anything but perfect. All men and fathers will sin.(Genesis 12:10, 12-19,CEV; Genesis 20:1-18) Men, be...

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Living Out the Love of God

Living Out the Love of God

Living out the Love of God Imitate your divine parent. (Ephesians 5:1-33, NKJV) Learn to emit the sweet-smelling aroma of love. (Ephesians 5:2, MSG) Give up something you love for something you love more. Paul’s contentment did not come from his circumstances, but the...

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Love is the Key

Love is the Key

Love is the Key What and who would you go to prison for? (Ephesians 3:1-2, NKJV, ESV) Paul was so passionate about his calling that nothing, including prison, was going to stop him. (1 Peter 4:12-13, NKJV) The inner man gets his peace, power, and fullness through...

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Identity For Eternity

Identity For Eternity

Identity for Eternity The timing of God. (Ephesians 1:9-23, NKJV; Ecclesiastes 3:1, NKJV) God is in control of timing and it is always right. We can enjoy seasons, we can understand the timing of a clock, but we can’t understand God’s timing. All of God’s timing is...

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Behind the Veil

Behind the Veil

Behind the Veil 1. Come to God Confidently Hebrews 10:19-22;Ephesians 3:12,NLT; Hebrews 4:16 2. Cling to your Confession. Hebrews 10:23; 1 Peter 3:18 3. Care for your Community. Hebrews 10:24-25; John 14:6

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Navigating Expectations – Jesus’ Entry

Navigating Expectations – Jesus’ Entry

Navigating Expectations: Jesus' Entry 7 Truths to Jesus’ Entry. (Luke 19:30-34, AMP) Truth #1 – If Jesus can make a donkey calm enough to ride for the first time, He can surely calm you down and give you peace. Truth #2 – Always be ready to allow Jesus to have access....

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Falling in Love and Staying in Love

Falling in Love and Staying in Love

Beyond Vows | Falling in Love and Staying in Love Biblical Love. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8, NCV) Go over the 15 qualities of love. The difference between love and infatuation. Infatuation: the state of being completely carried away by unreasoning passion, an addictive...

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God is Good to the Old and Young

God is Good to the Old and Young

God is Good to the Old and Young You can be righteous and wrong. (Luke 1:5-20, NKJV) Zacharias and his wife, Elizabeth, loved and served the Lord in spite of feeling that their prayers were not answered. Zacharias was righteous but wrong when he questioned the angel...

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Pave the Way to Your Next Chapter

Pave the Way to Your Next Chapter

Pave the Way to Your Next Chapter The Description of the Rapture. (1 Thessalonians 4:14-18, NKJV) The Rapture for the Christian will be those in Christ who helps bring calmness in the midst of chaos. The Rapture for the non-Christian will bring curiosity, concern,...

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Baptism Paves the Way to Boldness

Baptism Paves the Way to Boldness

Baptism Paves the Way to Boldness Have such a close relationship with Jesus that when others would call problems prison, you call it worship and witness. (Acts 2:41, NKJV; John 11:25-27, NKJV; Acts 16:25-33, NKJV) One of the #1 cures for worry is worship. Our main...

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What’s Your Price?

What’s Your Price?

What’s Your Price? The Damage of Jealousy. (Matthew 26:14-25, NKJV) Jealousy can be both emotional and physical, often leading to insecurity and lack of self-worth. Jealousy can lead to envy, which can lead to plotting to hurt the other person. Envy: When you want...

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In the Midst of Suffering

In the Midst of Suffering

In the Midst of Suffering We will all suffer. 2 Timothy 3:12, NKJV, MSG; John 16:33, NKJV The truth is we will all suffer persecution, have trouble, and have tribulation. But Jesus said He will give us peace in the midst of our troubles, we will have victory, and we...

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It’s All About the Heart

It’s All About the Heart

It’s All About the Heart God wants to change hard and hopeless hearts. (Ezekiel 36:25-28, NKJV) God wants to give us a fresh spirit by taking the stony, hard heart and giving you one that will walk with Him, that will be tender, forgiving, and loving. Regain hope by...

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The Purpose and Passion of Noah

The Purpose and Passion of Noah

The Purpose and Passion of Noah Don’t let age stop you from living out your purpose and passion. (Genesis 5:32, NKJV) You are never too old or too young to start living out your purpose and passion. It’s not an age factor, it’s a stage factor. It’s not an age factor,...

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How to Please the Father

How to Please the Father

How to Please the Father Jesus’ purpose was to do His Father’s will. (John 6:38, NKJV; Hebrews 10:7, NCV) This is also God’s will for you. (Matthew 22:37-40, NKJV; Matthew 26:38-39, NKJV) Fathers need to know God’s will and be willing to die for it. Everything rises...

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Secrets of Successful Parenting

Secrets of Successful Parenting

Secrets to Successful Parenting What’s the wise thing to do? (Ephesians 5:17, NKJV) When our relationships are right with God and our relationships are right with family, that’s the wise thing to do. Children must learn to have their own relationship with God, they...

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Peace in Your Schedule

Peace in Your Schedule

The 1 Thing You Can Apply in Your Schedule to Find Peace   Allow Jesus to be included in your schedule. (Luke 10:38-42, NKJV; John 16:33, NKJV) Until you learn to include Jesus in your schedule, you won’t have peace in other areas of life. Jesus living in you and with...

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Overwhelmed Mark 14:32-36, NIV He Admitted He was Overwhelmed! The Second thing that Jesus did when He was overwhelmedwas He Called on Those Close to Him! The Third thing that Jesus did when He was overwhelmed wasHe Took His Burden to The Father in Prayer.

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Find God’s Favor in Fake Relationship

Find God’s Favor in Fake Relationship

Find God’s Favor in Fake Relationships Infatuation When you are wrapped up in a shallow understanding of the other person; infatuation can bring people together, but it rarely keeps people together. This “puppy stage” only lasts months, maybe a year. You will...

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The Fantastic Future of Favor

The Fantastic Future of Favor

The Fantastic Future of Favor Your Future in God’s hands. (Genesis 50:19-20, NCV) When you are in God’s favor, so is your future. Anything that might happen to you, God uses for you not against you. Your future is only in the hands of God and no one can change it....

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In His Presence

In His Presence

Journey to the Light | In His Presence The power of His presence is the greatest present of all. (Luke 1:39-45, NKJV) Jesus caused things to happen while in Mary’s womb; apart from Him she could not bring about miracles. Jesus being present in the room changes...

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Got Gratitude?

Got Gratitude?

Got Gratitude? Luke 17:11-19 ,NIV Pastor Richie Thornton 1. Gratitude leads to peace. 2. Gratitude helps us see God. 3. Gratitude leads to joy.

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What is the Blessed Life and How to Have It

What is the Blessed Life and How to Have It

What is the Blessed Life is and How to Have it 5 Ways to have a blessed life. (Ecclesiastes 5:18-20, CEV) Enjoy what you eat and drink. Enjoy your job, work, hobbies, and your home. Enjoy dressing up from time to time. Enjoy the wife you love. (Proverbs 5:18-19, TLB)...

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Dare to Dream, Dare to Imagine

Dare to Dream, Dare to Imagine

Dare to Imagine: Dare to Imagine   Things you should never imagine. Emptiness, evil, lust, revenge, and worry are a misuse of imagination. (Genesis 6:5-8, NLT2) The misuse of imagination will lead to physical and spiritual destruction. A great misuse of imagination is...

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How to Get Ready for A Miracle

How to Get Ready for A Miracle

How to Get Ready for a Miracle 3 reasons for Daring Faith: We want to please God and receive His rewards. (Hebrews 11:1, 6, NKJV) We don’t want to be living in sin. (Romans 14:22-23, NKJV)Keep your mind on the Lord and His power, not the problem. (Romans 1:17, NKJV;...

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Daring Faith

Daring Faith

Daring Faith Daring Faith is to stretch your faith. (Hebrews 11:1, 6-8 NKJV) I dare you to invite and bring someone to church. (Matthew 10:32-33, NKJV) I dare you to pray for someone who is lost or out of church. (Matthew 18:12-14, NKJV) I dare you to pray and ask God...

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Multiply Your Peace

Multiply Your Peace

Multiply Your Peace Know that you have peace. (John 14:2,NKJV) Jesus is the One who gives us peace. The world’s peace is situational, Jesus’ peace is relational. True peace starts with a relationship with Christ.(2 Corinthians 5:18,CEV) When you have Godly peace, you...

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The Power of the Gift

The Power of the Gift

The Power of the Gift | Samson Example of power: (Judges 13:5, 24-25, NKJV; 1 Corinthians 12:1, AMP; 1 Corinthians 10:11, NCV) Samson killed a lion with his bare hands. (Judges 14:6, NKJV) When we are set apart for God and filled with the Spirit of God, there’s no...

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You Have A Calling

You Have A Calling

You Have A Calling Everyone is important. (1 Corinthians 12:15-22, NKJV) Every person is just as important, whether you are seen out front or behind the scenes, God knows. Everyone has a calling. (Isaiah 6:8, NKJV) “Here am I, send me!” will be your response when you...

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Simple Man

Simple Man

Simple Man The #1 Need for men is sex. (Ephesians 5:33, NKJV) Most wives don’t understand their husband’s deep need for sex any more than most husbands understand their wife's need for deep affection without sex. Men want sex and respect. (Ephesians 5:33, NKJV) 3...

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Power Under Pressure

Power Under Pressure

Power Under Pressure The Secret Christians. (Matthew 27:57-66, NKJV; John 19:38, NKJV) Joseph of Arimathea was a secret disciple of Jesus. There will come a time when you will have to make a choice who you will follow, Jesus or the world. Joseph, the secret disciple...

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Money Changers

Money Changers

How would you act if you knew Jesus was in the house with you? Would you be honest and give unto Him what is right? What attitude do we have when giving? He knows everything that we do. Jesus knows if we are stealing, tithing or tipping.

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Godly Structure for Parents and Children

Godly Structure for Parents and Children

Children, obey your parents. (Ephesians 6:1-4, NKJV) Many youth and children today are believing the lies of the devil. The devil tempts you to think you are smarter than God and that your way is better. (Genesis 3:3-5, Webster’s Bible, Genesis 3:6, Webster’s Bible)...

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Unleashing Hope Part 2

Unleashing Hope Part 2

Unleashing Hope (Part 2) Moses was able to lead the Israelites out of bondage but not into the promised land. (John 10:10, NKJV; Luke 15:14-19, TLB) While in bondage, the pain became great enough to want to change. (Exodus 6:5-8, NKJV) When you are weak, He is strong....

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How Hopes and Dreams Come True

How Hopes and Dreams Come True

Unleashing Hope | How Hopes and Dreams Come True What is hope? (Romans 5:5, NLT) Hope is the confident expectation of a positive future in spite of your present circumstances. Your confident expectation - your hope for a positive future - rests on God’s purposes and...

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The Calling of a Shepherd

The Calling of a Shepherd

The Calling of a Shepherd A Shepherd does their job. Luke 2:8-20, NLT; Luke 2:10-11, NIV; 1 Corinthians 12:12-21, NLT A shepherd doesn't delay. A shepherd shares. A shepherd always returns.Watch Sermon RecapWatch Full Sermon

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An Army of Generosity

An Army of Generosity

Raising an Army: An Army of Generosity 4 Main Reasons God is blessing Journey Church: We accept people as they are where they are, just like Jesus does. We are a generous church. We focus on what we have, not what we don’t have. We focus on getting to serve the Lord....

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How Dead Dreams Come Alive

How Dead Dreams Come Alive

Time to Dream | How Dead Dreams Come Alive ​The miracle of your faith = the miracle of your dream. (Romans 4:3, NLT) Good works are not what saves you, delivers you, and allows God to use you. It’s your faith that brings about the miracles of God’s promises in your...

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You Were Created to Thrive

You Were Created to Thrive

Time to Dream: You Were Created to Thrive You were created to thrive from the beginning. (Genesis 1:26-28, NKJV; Isaiah 56:11, NKJV; John 10:10, NKJV; Romans 8:37, NKJV; 2 Corinthians 2:14, NKJV) We are created in God’s image with great creative ability to dream and...

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Born For Greatness, Pt. 3

Born For Greatness, Pt. 3

Watch Sermon RecapWatch Full Sermon  You are Born for Greatness, Pt. 3 We are not only born for greatness: Jesus wants us to do greater works than He did. (John 14:12-14, NKJV) Jesus wants those works to glorify the Father. We need to be asking in Jesus’ name what...

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You Are Born For Greatness

You Are Born For Greatness

Watch Sermon RecapWatch Full Sermon  You are Born for Greatness Jesus says you are born for greatness. (John 14:12-14, NKJV) Jesus tells us not to be greater but to do greater. (John 14:13-14, NKJV) You don’t ask in Jesus’ name so you can be great, you ask in Jesus’...

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Go Be the Church

Go Be the Church

Watch Sermon RecapWatch Full SermonMatthew 28:18-20, NKJV God’s Original Intent and Purpose for your Life, Church, and Family is that wherever you go, be a witness for Jesus. (Acts 1:8, NKJV) He will then give you a power that you need, want, and love. (Acts 2:1-8,...

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Don’t Just Go to Church, Be the Church

Don’t Just Go to Church, Be the Church

Watch Sermon RecapWatch Full SermonDon't Just Go to Church, Be the Church Matthew 7:21-23 Where is your confidence? (What are you trusting to save you?)  Matthew 5:20; Matthew 23:27; Galatians 3:11 How do you view the gospel?   2 Corinthians 4:4-6 Do you see evidence...

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February Meeting 2021

February Meeting 2021

Dream team! Here is the meeting recap. We're excited about next months meeting on Wednesday, March 10th, 20201 at 5:30PM. Don't miss out, as you will receive a "Be the Church" shirt and learn about our Easter season.February Meeting Agenda Leadership Lesson: Why Most...

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Religion Instead of Relationship

Religion Instead of Relationship

Heaven Yes! Hell no! The Truths and Tricks of the Devil | Religion instead of Relationship   Religion - Wants to show and tell what they know through actions. Relationship - Wants to show and tell you what Jesus has done.  The Danger of Religion (Matthew 5:20, NKJV; 1...

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The God of Breakthrough

The God of Breakthrough Psalm 102 The Weapon of our words. (Proverbs 18:21) We could see more breakthrough if we would simply quit speaking death over our situations. Our attitudes are controlled by the words we speak. The words we speak play a major role in...

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Just Faith It | The Greatest Example of Faith

Just Faith It | The Greatest Example of Faith Jesus had faith that He would be united back in unity with those who betrayed Him. Matthew 26:31-50, TLB; 1 Corinthians 10:12, TLB Jesus loved His disciples, but they all betrayed and deserted Him when He needed them most....

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Just Faith It: Part 2 – How to Have Faith

Just Faith It: Part 2 – How to Have Faith

Just Faith It: Part 2 - How to Have Faith Faith Comes by Hearing. (Romans 10:17, NKJV) You have faith by hearing the preaching. (Romans 10:14-15, NKJV; Ephesians 6:20, NCV) The Good News -- The Gospel restores broken Lives. Without hearing the Gospel preached your...

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It’s Time to Get Up

It’s Time to Get Up

It’s time to get up. We are in a time where we need to stand up and be bold in Christ. The enemy wants to bring fear and doubt. He wants us to feel inferior and question our worth in God. But God will strengthen us. He comes to bring us victory. Victory over the emotional monsters; victory over discouragement and intimidation; and victory over the enemy.

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Emotional Monsters

Emotional Monsters

The life we have is a reflection of the thoughts we think. Our mind is a battlefield of God’s truth and Satan’s lies. Our emotions are driven by the thoughts we think. Be aware of strong emotions that cause stress, such as guilt and anger. When the mind is stressed, so is the body. We are not in this alone. Stop trying to manage your emotions and stress on your own. Jesus is always there to help us. Cast on Him all of the cares. He cares for us. All we have to do is humble ourselves, admit we need Him, and He will restore us.

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The Uncluttered Life: Recharge & Release

The Uncluttered Life: Recharge & Release

The key to uncluttered life lies in Sundays. Sunday is a day to unclutter and recharge. The key to having a great Sunday is YOU. Unclutter your Sunday schedule. Allow Sunday to be the best day of the week by dedicating it to God, rest, and family. Get something great...

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2020 Investigation: Week 3

2020 Investigation: Week 3

The Truth About Pain and Suffering The Truth About Pain and Suffering Psalm 23:4, NKJVPain as a privilege; instead of problems as a pain. Suffering is a regular part of our physical and spiritual journey through this fallen world. The problem we have with pain and...

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You Are Destined for Greatness

You Are Destined for Greatness

What is our God-Given Destiny? (Genesis 1:26-28, NKJV) Men and women, you are destined for greatness. Destined for victory (subdue) destined to be fruitful (successful) in all you do. Our destiny has to be tied to God’s destiny - Big part of that Destiny is to Glorify...

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Pastor Richie – It Takes A Village

Pastor Richie – It Takes A Village

Richie Thornton: 00:00 Man, today we're celebrating Memorial Day, and you know, we just want to...You all give Jeff and Chris a big hand, and Gary a big hand. And also their wives, many of them, and their families are in here today, and so thank for your sacrifice....

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Daughters of the King – Mother’s Day

Daughters of the King – Mother’s Day

How Mother's Prepare the Way for Your Child to be Great |Acts 16: 16-40 Luke 1:15, KJVA; Luke 1:17,KJVA Choices we make everyday form a habit, which will greatly determine character. EGO - Exalting God OnlyEGO - Exalting God Only • Elizabeth's choices that formed...

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The Truth about Easter

The Truth about Easter

The Truth About Easter God Never Panics; God Has a Plan Philippians 1:6, NKJV being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;  John 6:29, TLB  Jesus told them, “This is the will of God, that...

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God Never Panics, He Has a Plan – Part 2

God Never Panics, He Has a Plan – Part 2

The Truth About Easter God Never Panics, He Has a Plan - Part 2 Romans 14:9-11, TLB; Matthew 3:16-17, NKJV; Matthew 5:3, NKJV; Matthew 7:11, NKJV; Deuteronomy 11:21, NKJV: Matthew 6:9-10, NKJV) Part of God’s plan is for us to enjoy some of heaven while we are here on...

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When Anxiety Attacks

When Anxiety Attacks

Truth About Easter  Greatest Test of All Times ~ Book or Books  God Never Panics, He Has a Plan  We will all face the test of Life and Death. (Romans 14:9-11, TLB)  We will be tested on how we lived our life and who we lived it for.  (Romans 14:8-12, AMP)   Jesus came...

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How to Wait Upon the Lord

How to Wait Upon the Lord

We need to learn: Less is more; Stress is bad; God is good. Insights to remember: If you want what normal people have, do what normal people do. If you want what few people have, do what few people do. First way to deal with Stress is to turn and learn.

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Persistence in Prayer Pays Off

Persistence in Prayer Pays Off

    Matthew 15:26, NKJV; 1 Corinthians 1:27, NKJV; 1 Corinthians 1:27, MSG; 1 Corinthians 1:28, MSG   “Small disciplines done consistently leads to big results over time”  Persistence in Prayer Pays off. (Matthew 15:21-28, NKJV) Jesus always answers prayers,...

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Are Christians Allowed to Drink?

Are Christians Allowed to Drink?

What does the bible say about drinking alcohol? Drinking in the Bible Distillation did not exist in Biblical times – there was no such thing as hard liquor. Beer did exist, but was not part of Jewish culture. Wine is the main alcohol in Jewish culture, so nearly all...

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Holy Shift in Deacons

Holy Shift in Deacons

"The longer something exist the easier it is to Shift from its original intent, meaning, or purpose."  First shift in the church was to even have deacons.  (Acts 6:1-4, NKJV; Acts 6:1, TLB; Acts 6:4, TLB) The original intent for deacons was To free pastors and leaders...

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God’s Holy Shift of Opposition Brings Freedom

Acts 6:14-15; Acts 7:23-34 God’s Holy Shift From Opposition Will Always Brings the Exposer. What you bury, God is going to cause you to face it. God’s saying to us, while you're striving, trying to do things in your own human effort. While you’re in OPPOSITION WITH...

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Holy Shift in “Boldness”

What is Boldness? (Acts 4:13, NKJV; Acts 4:13, NLT2) Boldness is: Taking advantage of the opportunity as they present themselves. Creating opportunity to witness for Christ. Holy Shift in boldness is being bold about what we believe – the death, burial, and...

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Raise the Bar on Rejection

Raising the Bar on “Rejection” Do you know who are you? What's your identity? In this message, Pastor James Greer talks about how to deal with rejection. The root of all rejection is misplaced identity. Luke 10:16-22, NKJV Allow Rejection to lead to JOY! Rejection can...

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New Start

New Start Easter 2017 Matthew 28:1-10, TLB Jesus did not die only to save us from something but to something. (Matthew 28:7-8, NKJV) The message for you and I, Jesus is not dead but has risen—because He is not dead a new day is coming if we want it! God wants us to...

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Honor Part 2

Honor Part 2 Where Did Dishonor Come From? Genesis 3:1-6, NKJV Satan is the author of dishonor and disorder. He did not start out as the devil, he started out as a beautiful angel with a beautiful voice. Satan was created to Honor God with his beautiful voice—instead...

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The Power of Words and Wisdom

The Power of Words and Wisdom Why Shouldn’t everyone want to be a teacher? (James 3:1,NIV) Because you will be judgedby God stricter.(Hebrews 13:17,NKJV, MSG) The influence for good or bad. The time and work it takes.(Acts 20:28,NIV) The Pastoral leader is to:1....

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From Hearing to Doing

From Hearing to Doing

From Hearing to Doing Don’t just listen; Hear the Word, Believe the Word, and Obey the Word. (James 1:22, NIV; NKJV) A person is saved through faith, not by works. (Ephesians 2:8-9, NIV) While works do not save you, they are evidence to you that you have genuine...

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From Financial Stress to Spiritual Rest

From Financial Stress to Spiritual Rest

From Financial Stress to Spiritual Rest Money can cause great financial stress. The root of stress; God says money should not control our responses and reactions. We often allow our financial condition to control our emotions and actions. God’s promises over emotions;...

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The Gift of Perseverance

The Gift of Perseverance

The Gift of Perseverance Perseverance is predictable. (Luke 2:4-5,NIV) You will experience God’s promises and provisions. You get to experience a quality of life that others won’t. (James 1:12, NIV; Galatians 6:9, NIV; Hebrews 10:36,NIV) You will have answered...

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Unstoppable At 85: Caleb’s Faith to Conquer Giants

Unstoppable At 85: Caleb’s Faith to Conquer Giants

Unstoppable at 85: Caleb's Faith to Conquer Giants Caleb did not allow his past to rob his future.(Numbers 13:27-28,30-32,NIV) Bad things happen to good people ,but remember, that’s not the end of the story. Caleb kept serving in spite of the bad things that...

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Focusing on God’s Power, Not Your Problems

Focusing on God’s Power, Not Your Problems

Focusing on God’s Power, Not Your Problems Focus on God’s power and provision. We have to learn to intentionally focus on God’s power and provisions, not on our problems.(Exodus 14:21-22,NKJV) God will use what you already have, not what you don’t have. God’s ability...

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No More Excuses: Trusting God’s Plan for Your Life

No More Excuses: Trusting God’s Plan for Your Life

No More Excuses: Trusting God’s Plan for Your Life Pastor Richie Thornton | 10AM Service God will Give you His Presence. Exodus 3:11-12,NIV God will Give You the Right Provisions. Exodus 4:21-22,NIV;Exodus 4:1-5,NIV God Will Surround You with the Right People. Exodus...

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Full or Fail

Full or Fail

Full or Fail How to have your real needs met. (Psalm 23:1, 5, NKJV) The Lord has the table prepared. He prepared it to protect, provide, and guide. We have a Shepherd who prepared a table for us and He is waiting. There is no one greater or stronger than Him, so...

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Rest and Renewal Sabbath

Rest and Renewal Sabbath

Rest and Renewal | Sabbath Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27-28) Jesus taught the difference between the legalistic interpretation of the Sabbath law and grace, mercy, and compassion. Jesus taught that rest and renewal should not be legalistic, but relational....

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From Overlooked to Anointed

From Overlooked to Anointed

From Overlooked to Anointed I. God is watching when no one else is.(1 Samuel 16:10-11,NKJV) II. God does the choosing and calling, while you do the living and loving God. III. Live and love to please God, not man.(1 Thessalonians 2:4,CEV) IV. The one you strive to...

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How to Win Battles in Life

How to Win Battles in Life

How to Win Battles in Life   The hidden Battle.(Ephesians 6:12,NIV, CEV, TPT) To win, you have to fight right. The winner is going to be the one who can see and know how to fight the enemy. Until you can see the invisible, you can’t experience the impossible. ...

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From Spectator to Participant

From Spectator to Participant

As followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to train and develop their followers, ensuring they are abiding in Jesus. Abiding involves daily dependence on Christ, loving Jesus and being loved by Him. Fruitful life involves having Jesus as Savior, being in church, serving monthly, connecting with Jesus, memorizing scripture, confessing sins, and tithing.

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Living in the Reality of Salvation

Living in the Reality of Salvation

Living in the Reality of Salvation Dead or alive, the choice is yours.(Ephesians 2:2-4,KJV) We don’t need behavior modification, we need transformation. When we get saved, our spirit lives in us and in heaven at the same time. When we get saved we can begin to enjoy...

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What is True of Jesus is True of Us

What is True of Jesus is True of Us

What is True of Jesus is True of Us To be in Christ is to be joined with Christ. (Ephesians 1:1-23, NKJV) The victory Jesus has is the victory we have. The resurrection of Jesus will be our hope and resurrection. (1 Samuel 17) God our Father has blessed us with every...

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Keys to Communicate Better

Keys to Communicate Better

Keys to Better Communication Learn how to communicate better. Release what you think you know. Intentionally release what you think God is going to tell you and listen for His voice. Receive - open your heart. Receive with an open heart before you respond in the...

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Fewer Goals, Bigger Triumphs

Fewer Goals, Bigger Triumphs

Fewer Goals Bigger Triumphs Stop being so goal-oriented and be more growth-oriented. If you keep growing you will reach your goal, but if you set goals and don’t grow you will not reach them. If you hit your goal that you set without growing, you will not keep it. We...

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The Promise of God’s Presence

The Promise of God’s Presence God is present in the temple. (2 Chronicles 6:40-42, NKJV) Ask God what He wants you to pray for. God rests and dwells in the temple; if you are saved He rests and dwells in you. God’s anointing. (2 Chronicles 6:42, NKJV) If you are saved...

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Pave the Way to Success

Pave the Way to Success

Pave the Way to Success Obeying God’s Word paves the way to blessings. (Proverbs 16:20, TLB; Psalm 7:10, GN) In times of difficulty, we can have the faith that God is on His way to deliver, defend, and help us. There’s no safer place to be than being under the Lord’s...

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What Does the Bible Say About Israel?

What Does the Bible Say About Israel?

What Does the Bible Say About Israel? 2 Things to learn from Jesus. (John 3:16-17, NKJV) Jesus loves everyone. Jesus will forgive anyone. (Luke 23:33-34, NKJV) While they are fighting a physical battle, it’s really a spiritual battle. The spiritual battle will one day...

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The Dark Side In Us

The Dark Side In Us

The Dark Side in Us Beware of fake friendships. (Matthew 26:6-13, NKJV; Revelation 3:20, NKJV) We give to what we love and we love what we give to. We love when others give to what we love. What is it that you really love and value and you have given to Jesus because...

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Start Up Right, You’ll Finish Well

Start Up Right, You’ll Finish Well

Start Up Right, You’ll Finish Well   Job was a devoted man. (Job 1:1-5, NKJV, MSG) Learn to be devoted to God. It’s our love and devotion for God that helps overcome and hate evil. The right devotion gives us something to come back to that gives us courage in spite of...

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Hope in the Heartbreak

Hope in the Heartbreak

Hope in the Heartbreak Romans 5:1-4NIV1. The Biblical Directive Hope Suffering Perseverance Character 2. The Ongoing Concept The process continues Simultaneous processes Completing the loop 3 Leaning into Hope Getting stuck in the suffering stage. John 9, NIV Hope is...

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Hope To Change

Hope To Change

Hope to Change You can lack faith but still have hope. (Romans 5:5, NLT; Mark 9:17-29, NKJV; Mark 9:17-19, CEV) Sometimes storms will come and the Holy Spirit, through faith, gives peace that it’s going work out for the glory of God. Sometimes we don’t have that...

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Purpose with a Season

Purpose with a Season

Purpose with a Season God has a season and a purpose for everything. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, NKJV) If you allow God’s day to day purpose to lead you, it will then lead to God’s long-range purpose. Understanding the season and purpose will bring passion, power, and inward...

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Passion Brings Purpose

Passion Brings Purpose

Passion Brings Purpose,1 Samuel 17:3-19,NIV 1. Your giants can come back to haunt you. 2. Find your passion you find your purpose. 3. The brilliance of God. 4. The battle’s not yours. 5. The Champion who fights for you.

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Parenting for Such a Time as This

Parenting for Such a Time as This

Parenting for Such a Time as This The Warnings. (Esther 4:14, NKJV; 2 Timothy 3:1-3, NKJV; 2 Timothy 3:1-5, NKJV) Times will be difficult, so don’t be surprised but be advised. All will struggle with being selfish and self-centered. (Philippians 4:4-5, TLB; James...

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Why Worry?

Why Worry?

Why Worry? God does not want you stressed. (Psalm 55:22, NLT2) When we worry, we are accepting and taking on responsibility God never intended us to have. God tells us over and over not to worry, where the problem comes in is learning how to apply this truth. (Psalm...

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Orange Juice

Orange Juice

Orange Juice 1. What is inside will come outside. John 18:10-11, MSG2. Get rid of the gunk. Psalm 51:1-3, MSG3. Fill the void. Matthew 12:43-45, MSG

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Discouraged and Doubtful, but not Defeated

Discouraged and Doubtful, but not Defeated

Discouraged and Doubtful, but not Defeated There will times when we are disappointed, doubtful, and discouraged. (Ecclesiastes 3:11-13, NIV; John 20:24-31, NKJV) One of the main causes of discouragement is loss of confidence. God is always more concerned about our...

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Two Things We All Need in Life

Two Things We All Need in Life

Two Things We All Need in Life Where are you trying to get your needs & approval? Wrong approval leads to trying to have your needs met the wrong way. (Galatians 5:19-23, NCV) When you don’t have the right relationship and fellowship with God, you don’t have the...

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The Number 1 Relationship in Your Life

The Number 1 Relationship in Your Life

The Number 1 Relationship in Your Life Every relationship depends on your relationship and fellowship with Christ. (Psalm 127:1-2, NKJV, CEV) Without the help of the Lord, you will be frustrated in your efforts and all activities will be rendered unsuccessful...

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When You Receive the Favor of God

When You Receive the Favor of God

When You Receive the Favor of God What is the favor of God?(Psalm 90:16-17,NRSV; TEV) When God takes the ordinary and does the extraordinary. A father shows favor to his children by showing them grace, guidance, protection, and provision. Mary received the favor of...

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From Worry to Worship

From Worry to Worship

Journey to the Light | Satisfaction in the Savior The glory of the Lord. (Luke 2:8-9, NIV) The Good Shepherd, Jesus, is watching over you day and night and died for everyone. Jesus came to save all classes and races. Jesus always brings light and light will always...

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enLIGHTened The timing of God. (Luke 1:26-38, NIV) Many times, God’s timing is not understood, so you have to learn to trust God. Many allow the timing of God to cause them to miss the treasures of God. Don’t allow the timing of God that you don’t understand to cause...

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Achieve a Blessed Life

Achieve a Blessed Life

Achieve a Blessed Life What do you consider to be the blessed life? Would it include riches and fame? Health and wealth? Having lots of children or no children? Own your own business or getting out of business? Travel whenever and wherever you wanted? What the Bible...

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How to Be Happy When You’re Hurting

How to Be Happy When You’re Hurting

Dare to be Happy While Hurting There are times to be happy while hurting. Be happy when people make fun of the way you look. (Matthew 5:9-12, TLB; Psalm 139:14-15, NKJV, MSG) God made, sculpted, and shaped you; anytime you make fun of the way someone looks you’re...

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Stretch Your Faith | Daring Faith

Stretch Your Faith | Daring Faith

Stretch Your Faith Daring Faith is to stretch your faith. (Hebrews 11:1, 6-8 NKJV) I dare you to invite and bring someone to church. (Matthew 10:32-33, NKJV) I dare you to pray for someone who is lost or out of church. (Matthew 18:12-14, NKJV) I dare you to pray and...

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Multiply Forgiveness

Multiply Forgiveness

MULTIPLY FORGIVENESS Forgiveness Is Not About Keeping Score, It’s About Losing Count.You see His Multiplication will teach us how to truly MULTIPLY FORGIVENESS! FORGIVENESS IS THIS; SOMETIMES THE BEST IN US CAN ONLY BE BROUGHT OUT BY THE WORST DONE TO US....

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How to Multiply Your Joy

How to Multiply Your Joy

How to Multiply Your Joy How to enjoy real fellowship with Jesus Christ: Spend personal time with the Lord each morning to strengthen your “vertical” fellowship with Him. (Matthew 6:6, NKJV) Spend regular time each week with other believers to practice “horizontal”...

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How to Receive Spiritual Gifts

How to Receive Spiritual Gifts

How to Receive Spiritual Gifts Spiritual Gifts: (1 Corinthians 12:1, NKJV) Spiritual gifts are an expression of the manifold grace of God. (1 Peter 4:10, NKJV) A spiritual gift is a skill or ability that allows each Christian to perform a function in the Body of...

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You Have a Calling

You Have a Calling

You Have A Calling Everyone is important. (1 Corinthians 12:15-22, NKJV) Every person is just as important, whether you are seen out front or behind the scenes, God knows. Everyone has a calling. (Isaiah 6:8, NKJV) “Here am I, send me!” will be your response when you...

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Markers of a Healthy Marriage

Markers of a Healthy Marriage

Markers of a Healthy Marriage Pastor Richie Thornton A healthy marriage requires teamwork. Ecclesiastes 4:9, NIV A healthy marriage requires encouragement. Ecclesiastes 4:10, NIV A healthy marriage requires intimacy. Ecclesiastes 4:11, NIV A healthy marriage requires...

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Women Who Win

Women Who Win

Women Who Win Your sorrow can turn to Joy. (Psalm 31:9, NKJV, NCV) The Psalm 31 woman looks like she is under great emotion that even leads to physical sickness and pain. Even though the Proverbs 31 woman looks like she doesn’t struggle, everyone struggles. The...

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Now What?

Now What?

Now What? The miracle is over. Don't look back.Revelation 3:16, NASB; Genesis 19:15, NIV Chase the blessing.John 5:8, NIV; 2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV; Exodus 14:15, ESV, NLT

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The Model Prayer

The Model Prayer

The Model Prayer There is nothing wrong with asking God to remove the problem, hurts, and pain. (Matthew 6:9-13, NKJV; Mark 14:32-42, NKJV) Believe God is your Father and He can do the impossible. It is possible for your Father to remove whatever you’re going through....

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How to Know if You’re Truly Saved

How to Know if You’re Truly Saved

How can you tell if you are truly saved? You must have and exercise faith. You must believe that Jesus is your savior; that there is a God and He is real. To be saved is to know Jesus and acknowledge Him in every aspect of your life. We must serve Him and love Him.

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The Extension

The Extension

Watch Sermon RecapWatch Full SermonBe careful what you allow in (your family) from culture. Hebrews 8:1-12, NLT Be careful what you allow in (your family) from people. Be careful what you allow in (your family) out of context.

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Love Your Mate and Teach Your Children

Love Your Mate and Teach Your Children

All in the Family (Part 1) | Love Your Mate and Teach Your Children Love your mate. (Psalm 127:1-3, NKJV) Allow the Lord to build your marriage or it will end up empty. (Ephesians 5:25, NKJV) Your children learn love by: (1 Corinthians 13:4-7, TEV) How you provide for...

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How Do We Go Where We Have Not Been?

How Do We Go Where We Have Not Been?

Unleashing Hope: How Do We Go Where We Have Not Been? Joshua made a proclamation. (John 10:9-10, NKJV; Joshua 1:1-3, NKJV; Numbers 14:6-10, NKJV) He not only believed the promise, he proclaimed the promise. There is a strong connection between God’s promise and our...

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Journey of Life

Journey of Life

Journey of Life Insights about Mary getting pregnant. Read Luke 1:26-31, NKJV and Luke 1:34-35, NKJV It was supernatural, not natural. The favor of God is when He takes the natural and does the supernatural in a person, place, or thing. Mary was simply a natural young...

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Raising and Army: Recap

Raising and Army: Recap

Raising an Army: Recap   The Lord is a Man of war. (Joshua 1:9, NKJV; Luke 19:10, NIV; Mark 10:45, NKJV; Exodus 15:3, NKJV) The Lord is a warrior, not a wimp. God is looking for warriors to join His army. God is good even when we are bad. When our behavior is right...

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Why Don’t More Christians Have More Joy?

Why Don't More Christians Have Joy? Joy is an inner delight derived from an intimate relationship with Christ. (Proverbs 3:5-6, NKJV) Happiness is circumstantial, but joy is relational. Intimate relationships lead to fullness of joy. (John 15:9-13, NKJV) “Love” is...

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The Struggle Behind Every Dream

The Struggle Behind Every Dream

Time to Dream | The Struggle Behind Every Dream The Dream. (Genesis 28:11-22, NIV) “I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying.” “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. I will not leave.” Your only promise is to give God back...

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How to Survive Until You Thrive

Time to Dream | How to Survive Until You Thrive Understand the process. If you don’t understand the process, the disappointments will defeat you instead of develop you. The greater the dream, the greater the process and pain. The greater the dream, the greater the...

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The Widow’s Big Faith

The Widow's Big Faith Have you ever had to have a moment where you needed “Big Faith?” The definition of faith is the “complete trust and confidence in someone or something.” By that definition, you and I can have halfway faith in something… many of us in this room...

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Family Matters | Harmony

Family Matters | Harmony

  Family Matters | How to Restore Harmony in the Home You’re going to have conflicts. (Job 14:1, NCV) We were born into sin; we will die to sin. We can be born again and not have to pay the consequences of our sins, but that does not do away with the temptation to...

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Born For Greatness, Pt 2.

Born For Greatness, Pt 2.

Watch Sermon RecapWatch Full Sermon You are Born for Greatness - Part 2 Jesus tells you that you are born for greatness. John 10:10, NKJV; John 14:12-14, NKJV Jesus tells us not only to be greater but also to do greater. You don’t ask in Jesus’ name so you can be...

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Lead With Your Legacy

Lead With Your Legacy

Watch Sermon RecapWatch Full Sermon  Lead with Your Legacy | Don't Just Come To Church What do you want your legacy to be? Maybe it’s living out Matthew 6:33 where you can enjoy Ephesians 3:20. How to lead with your legacy. (Colossians 3:17, NKJV) Once you know what...

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The Vow of Purity

The Vow of Purity

How You Can Fight to Keep Christ at the Center Pastor Richie Thornton | 10AM Service We must experience Intimacy with Christ. We must live with Integrity before Christ. We must be Intentional in our relationship with Christ. When God is First in Your Marriage Pastor...

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The Vow of Priority

The Vow of Priority

Watch Sermon RecapWatch Full SermonThe Vow of Priority Your Vow is Important. (Ecclesiastes 5:4-6, NKJV; Deuteronomy 23:21-23, ESV) What happened to Ananias is a picture of the importance and danger of making a commitment or vow and then breaking it before God. (Acts...

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Man’s Greatest Treat

Heaven Yes! Hell no! The Truths and Tricks of the Devil. Man's Greatest Treat  Genesis 1:21-23, NKJV  Man’s Greatest Gift. (Genesis 1:21-23, NKJV; Genesis 1:26-28, NKJV)  God has given humans a certain kind of awareness that animals, birds, and fish were not given. In...

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Just Faith It | Faith that Hears

Just Faith It | Faith that Hears 2 Corinthians 4:17-182nd Corinthians 5:7 FAITH IS NOT WHAT YOU SEE HEBREWS 11:1, Mark 11:20I may not look like something is happening, but when Jesus speaks things being to happen.  Faith is being willing to walk off, then out, and not...

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Just Faith It | Week 4

What happens when we Live by Sight instead of Faith? Romans 1:17 CEV What happens when we live by Sight instead of Faith? Numbers 13:23, 25-29, CEV God's Word is always true even when it sounds too good to be true. Most people want God to show them and then they will...

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Just Faith It: Part 1 – What is Faith?

Just Faith It: Part 1 – What is Faith?

Just Faith It: Part 1 - What is Faith Exodus 14:16, NKJV; Matthew 17:20, NKJV; Hebrews 11:17, NKJV What is Faith? (Hebrew 11:1-3, NKJV) Faith is believing something is so when it’s not so until it is so! Faith has substance. Substance brings Stability and Hope is the...

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Emotional Monster of Insecurity

Emotional Monster of Insecurity

Where do our insecurities come from? Insecurity comes from misplaced identity. Security comes from God. We often seek security in people and everything other than God. We focus more on pleasing others than pleasing God. Instead of putting our faith and confidence in Him, we focus more on how others see us than how God sees us. Develop a relationship with God where you are secure in who you are through Him.

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Emotional Monsters | From a Cave to a Grave

Emotional Monsters | From a Cave to a Grave

There is one emotion we have all felt, hurt. Whether it was something minor or major, we have been hurt. However, we cannot let past hurt become a personal cave that keeps us from God’s promises. He is speaking to us and we can stand on His Word. The enemy’s mission is to keep us in these dark places where he can prey on us. God, our Father is calling us out of the cave. We are more than conquerors through Christ. Satan wants to keep us bound. God wants us to move forward.

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Table For Two: Worry Free

Table For Two: Worry Free

Understanding: The Lord is your Shepherd. Allow the Lord to be your Shepherd. The Lord as our Shepherd feeds us, guides us, and shields or protects us. (Psalm 23:1-6, NKJV; AMP) How you view the Lord will greatly determine the peace you have. Relationship over...

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2020 Investigation: Week 2

Should Women Be Allowed to Preach? Should women be allowed to speak in church? If Paul meant that women could never speak in church, that would be a contradiction to his own words. (1 Corinthian 14:34-35, NIV; 1 Corinthians 11:5, NIV) Paul was dealing with outburst...

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Ten Year Blessing

Ten Year Blessing

The Difference a Decade Can Make Ten Year Blessing Ceremony The importance of Baptism. Baptism pleases God the Father. (Matthew 3:16-17, NKJV) Heaven rejoices when someone gets saved! (Luke 15:7-10, NKJV; Matthew 28:18-20, NKJV) One of Jesus last commandments was to...

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We Love Cenla | Week 2

We Love Cenla | Week 2

We Love Cenla | Part 1 John 13:35, NKJV; Colossians 4:5, NCV 1st reason “We Love Cenla” is because we love Jesus. Because we love Jesus we want others to know and love Jesus. (Luke 14:15-21, NKJV; Luke 14:15, NCV) Loving Jesus brings a blessed life which is God’s...

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Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Philippians 4:6-9, CEV Going from worry to a strange peace. Many times, you won’t feel like it, but do it because you belong to God and His Word tells us to. God wants to bless us even when we don’t feel like it. One of God’s greatest blessings is peace, and it is a...

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Fight Like A Man With Passion

Fight Like A Man With Passion

Fight Like A Man With Passion The Warrior and His Cause   The Warrior Who Abandons His Cause Becomes Passive. (Genesis 3:6, NLT2) When men get their God-given order out of order it brings (Genesis 3:12-13, NKJV) When a man becomes passive, he no longer accepts...

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Noisy Exit Acts 16: 16-40 Noisy but Saved! • God will do some unusual things in your life to reorder your priorities from what you think is most important to what He knows is important. • The jailer was at his ENDGAME, then God showed him what was really important. •...

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Truth About the Garden of Gethsemane

Truth About the Garden of Gethsemane

Truth About the Garden of Gethsemane God Never Panics; He Has a Plan - Pt. 3 The Garden of Gethsemane teaches us how to handle some of the greatest anxiety, stress, pressure, and problems we face. (Mark 14:32-42, NKJV) We need to be prayed up and confessed up before...

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Are We Living in the End Times?

Are We Living in the End Times?

YES, we ARE living in the End Times! The world was supposed to end on January 1, 2000, otherwise known as Y2K. Then, the world was supposed to end in December 21, 2012. The bible says in Matthew 24 that, “No one knows the time or place except the Father only.” So, if...

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The Process to Make the Last Half the Best Half

Proverbs 21:31, TLB; Hosea 4:6, KJV When you don’t understand the process, you will allow disappointment to defeat you instead of develop you. How to understand the process?  Processing Heart – when you understand the process you can then predict your future. Greater...

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Holy Shift to the Holy Land Part 2

Holy Shift to the Holy Land Part 2

Holy Shift to The Holy Land Part 2  The difference Jesus made in the world in such a small geographical area. Jesus made a difference where He was not where He wanted to be. Jesus did not travel a large geographical area, yet His influence changed the world. What...

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Holy Shift in “Losing the Power”

Holy Shift in “Losing the Power”

Acts 1:8, NKJV; Acts 3:6, NKJV; Acts 4:13-14, NKJV; Acts 4:29-30, NKJV    You can’t keep back without kick back! Acts 5:1-6, NKJV  What we do will affect our spouses.  Satan will make you believe you can ‘keep back’ without any ‘kick back.’  We cannot lie to God He...

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Holy Shift

Holy Shift

 The Shift of Power. Shifting from powerless to powerful. (Acts 1:8, NKJV) We are a walking stick of DYNAMITE when we walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. (Philippians 4:13, NKJV) Power and boldness are ours we no longer fear. (2 Timothy 1;7, NKJV) This is where the...

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How To Grow Further Faster

Most people don’t believe God has a predetermined path for us to live a good life. (Destiny) There is not a greater destiny than the destiny God has for you. God will use your personality, talents, backgrounds, skills, interests, and even your scars to bring you to...

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Get Your Ship Together

Get Your Ship Together

Get Your Ship Together: Learn When to Fish, Where to Fish & How to Fish Luke 10:25-37, NKJV When do we fish? Anytime we see someone in need—not just physical needs but emotional or financial needs. Anytime God gives us compassion for that person. Where do we fish?...

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Bringing Honor Back

Bringing Honor Back

Bringing Honor Back Part 1 What is Honor? To value, respect, or highly esteem; to treat as precious, weighty or valuable. Honor builds up, believes the best, or values. Dishonor- without honor; to treat as common or ordinary. Dishonor tears down, believes the worst or...

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Go After the One

Go After the One

Go After the One | Help Someone Find Their Way Back to God Jesus had compassion, love, and truth that attracted sinners. (Luke 15:1-7, NIV) Sinners are not socially acceptable. Jesus has a word and cure for us. When Jesus finds the lost sheep: (Isaiah 53:6, NIV) He...

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Quick to Hear, Slow to Speak

Quick to Hear, Slow to Speak

Quick to Hear, Slow to Speak: The Path to God’s Righteousness   Quick to listen. (James 1:19-20, NKJV, NIV, CEV) It is importance to fully listen so we can understand someone before we speak. (Proverbs 18:13) When we listen intentionally, we gain wisdom and grow in...

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Wisdom in Trials, Tests, and Temptations

Wisdom in Trials, Tests, and Temptations

Wisdom in Trials, Tests, and Temptations | James 1:1-4 Asking for Wisdom in the midst of challenges. For trials: Learn to grow through correction, embracing humility. For tests: Stand firm in obedience and trust in God’s refining work. For temptations: Resist and rely...

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The Past Helps Prepare You for the Future

The Past Helps Prepare You for the Future

The Past Helps Prepare You for the Future Apply the growth cycle to have the best 2025.(2 Peter 3:18,NIV) God’s grace gives us the power to move forward; God’s knowledge helps us learn and avoid repeating mistakes. The only guarantee that life will get better is to...

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The Gift of Peace

The Gift of Peace

The Gift of Peace  Jesus, our wonderful Counselor. (Isaiah 9:6,NIV) 1.He provides wisdom and guidance beyond human understanding.(John 14:26,NIV) We can go from a wondering life to a wonderful life. How Jesus brings us peace: Through His counsel.(Isaiah 30:21,NIV;...

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Victory vs. Defeat

Victory vs. Defeat

Victory vs. Defeat The wrong focus leads to defeat.(Numbers 13:23,NKJV; Numbers 13:27-28,NKJV;John16:33, NKJV) If you want to change what you do, how you behave, what you believe, or how you respond, you have to change what you see and how you see it. The majority is...

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The Journey to the Promised Land

The Journey to the Promised Land

The Journey to the Promised Land You’re going to win!(Exodus 14:13-14,NKJV) Don’t be afraid. Stand still. See the Salvation of the Lord. The Lord will fight for you. Hold your peace. The Battle Begins.(Exodus 5:1-2,NKJV) Boldness is standing up for someone who is...

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From Sideline to Goal Line

From Sideline to Goal Line

From Sideline to Goal Line Busted and Banished. Moses’ flight from Egypt.(Exodus 2:11-15) Moses’ life in Midian.(Exodus 2:21-22; James 4:10,NKJV) Moses’ Call. Allow God to get your attention. With the burning bush, Moses had to be aware that God was using something...

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4 Words that Will Change Your Life Forever

4 Words that Will Change Your Life Forever

4 Words that Will Change Your Life Forever Review: Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath and He created it for us as a gift because he knew we would need it. We need to observe the Sabbath to meet our needs that we don’t understand. Jesus is the only one who can meet our...

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Rest, Relax, and Connect with God

Rest, Relax, and Connect with God

Rest, Relax, and Connect with God Check in on yourself. Everybody has a different threshold to pain and pressure. Everybody has a threshold that can be broken. The Holy Spirit lives in you and works best when you’re at your best.(1Corinthians 6:19-20,NIV) Healthy...

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Respect Through Christ-Like Love

Respect Through Christ-Like Love

Respect Through Christ-like Love Respect is earned, not demanded. Ephesians 5:21-33,MSG, CEV,TLB, GW Respect is a lot like trust.  Trust is earned by the right repeated behavior and choices over a long period of time. Relationships are not built on positions, but...

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Unfulfilled to Being Fulfilled

Unfulfilled to Being Fulfilled

Unfulfilled to Being Fulfilled Fulfillment and fullness come from faithfulness.(Ephesians 4:13,NIV; Hebrews 11:6,NIV) Faith that leads to pleasing God also leads to God’s rewards. Unity and maturity = wholeness and fulfillment. (Ephesians 4:13,NIV) Maturity helps you...

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Living in the Reality of Salvation

Living in the Reality of Salvation

Living in the Reality of Salvation Dead or alive, the choice is yours.(Ephesians 2:2-4,KJV) We don’t need behavior modification, we need transformation. When we get saved, our spirit lives in us and in heaven at the same time. When we get saved we can begin to enjoy...

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God Never Panics, He Always Has A Plan

God Never Panics, He Always Has A Plan

God Never Panics, He Always Has a Plan Look at your future. Philippians 1:6, NKJV God has a plan for good work in your life to be completed. God has a plan for you to be saved, believe in His Son, and go to heaven. John 6:29, TLB God has a plan that He wants to work...

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Two Graves

Two Graves

Two Graves The Heart(John 6:5 MSG) 1. Your Own Desires2. The Danger of Impatience3. The Danger of Misplaced Expectation The Intention The consequences of ‘good intentions’ The best intentions can still hurt people. Not intentionally honoring someone is unintentionally...

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Wrong Expectations

Wrong Expectations

Wrong Expectations Your expectations need to come from God. (Psalm 62:5, KJV) If your expectations come from anyone other than God, you will live a roller coaster of a life. God is going to take care of you. Love your wife, kids, and friend but your expectations need...

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Obey and Fear Not

Obey and Fear Not

Obey and Fear Not   The forgotten miracle. (Matthew 1:18-23, NIV) Rely more on God’s Word and the Holy Spirit than feelings. God’s Word is true even when it looks impossible. You will always be happier responding according God’s Word rather than according to feelings....

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God’s Presence with the Hurting

God’s Presence with the Hurting

God’s Presence with the Hurting Abraham and Sarah’s messy side. (Genesis 16:1-2, NKJV) When we try to take control, it will always get out of control. It’s never God’s plan or God’s will to go against God’s Word. The devil makes short-term gratification look like it’s...

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False Identity Paves the Way to Failure

False Identity Paves the Way to Failure What you pledge, you need to pay. (Acts 5:1-11, GW) When you make a pledge or commitment to God, you need to fulfill it or don’t make it at all. This simple truth applies to marriage, kids, and all relationships. Our nation is...

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What to Do In the Midst of Continued Suffering

What to Do In the Midst of Continued Suffering

Start Up | What to do in the Midst of Continued Suffering When the suffering continues, remember this is not the end. (Job 42:12, GW) Most of us did not start up right, but all of us can finish well. (Genesis 50:20, NKJV) Be reminded that Joseph went from the prison...

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Jesus Will Give You Hope Again

Jesus Will Give You Hope Again

Hope to Change | Jesus Will Give You Hope Again Romans 4:16-17, NLT2 proves nothing is hopeless. We are saved and delivered by faith, not works. God is the God who can bring dead things back to life. God turns nobodies into somebodies. God makes something out of...

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From Struggle to Strength

From Struggle to Strength

From Struggle to Strength Change Requires Hope. 2 Corinthians 5:17, 2 Corinthians 4:16 Change Begins in the Heart. Proverbs 4:23, Romans 12:1-23. Change is Maintained Through Habits. Ephesians 4:22-24

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Money for Such as This

Money for Such as This

Money for Such a Time as This Why did Jesus speak so much about money? (Matthew 6:24, NIV; Matthew 6:21, NKJV; Proverbs 4:23, NKJV, TLB) Money problems really start with heart problems.Guard the conversations: What you allow in your heart. What you allow in your mind....

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For Such a Time As This

For Such a Time As This

For Such a Time as This Be willing to listen to Godly advice. (Esther 4:9-17, NRSV) If women don’t start making a stand for what’s biblically right, you will lose many of your children and loved ones. If you make a stand, you still may lose some out of disagreement...

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Genuine Concern Vs. Fearful Concern

Genuine Concern Vs. Fearful Concern

The Stressless Life | Genuine Concern vs. Fearful Concern Learn the difference between stressors and stress. (Genesis 25:7-8, NLT2) Stress is what you feel. Stress is fearful concern experienced when life’s demands seem greater than your ability to meet them....

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Jesus Makes Everything Beautiful in it’s Time

Jesus Makes Everything Beautiful in it’s Time

Jesus Makes Everything Beautiful in It’s Time It was after Easter that the Apostles began to learn and understand about God’s Kingdom. Acts 1:3-5, CEV We are not God and cannot understand or explain many things that happen, but we can understand that this earth is not...

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The Truth About Relationship Problems

The Truth About Relationship Problems

The Truth About Relationship Problems Welcome Jesus into Your Life. (Luke 10:38-42, NKJV) Things happen when you allow Jesus into your life, home, and relationships. Every relationship has to start here. Problems will start when you do not welcome Jesus into your...

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Receive the Favor of God

Receive the Favor of God

Receive the Favor of God When and how do we get the favor of God? The favor of God is a lot like the grace of God. (Ephesians 2:8 -10, AMP) When you put your trust and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, He gets your sins and shortcomings and you get God’s grace...

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The Favor God

The Favor God

The Favor of God God’s favor is beyond explanation. (Ephesians 3:20, NKJV) God has things already prepared that are beyond what you can see, think, or even imagine for here and now. (1 Corinthians 2:9, NKJV) In a watching world, you become light in the darkness,...

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Satisfaction in the Savior

Satisfaction in the Savior

Journey to the Light | Satisfaction in the Savior The glory of the Lord. (Luke 2:8-9, NIV) The Good Shepherd, Jesus, is watching over you day and night and died for everyone. Jesus came to save all classes and races. Jesus always brings light and light will always...

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Pressed To Be Blessed

Pressed To Be Blessed

Pressed to Be Blessed. Genesis 32:24,NAS Pastor Darrell Ingram 1. Pressed before you’re blessed. 2. Too much of me. 3. Wrestle with God. 4. Change is in the struggle. 5. What’s you’re name?

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5 Ways to Practice Depending on God

5 Ways to Practice Depending on God

5 Ways to Practice Depending on God Depend on God’s wisdom. (James 1:22, NKJV; Proverbs 14:12, NKJV) Your ideas often lead to dead-ends while God’s ways will lead to divine, developed, designed, and desired endings. The question is not always “What can I do”, but...

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4 Steps to Get You Ready for a Miracle

4 Steps to Get You Ready for a Miracle

4 Steps to Get You Ready for a Miracle You have to have an impossible (Mark 6:34-37, NKJV; Matthew 4:4, NKJV) You have to be willing to admit you have a problem. Hurting people need to know how to apply God’s word to their problems. The right information (God’s Word)...

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How to Get Ready for a Miracle

How to Get Ready for a Miracle

How to Get Ready for a Miracle 3 Reasons to Have Daring Faith #1 - We want to please God and receive His rewards. Read Hebrews 11:6, NKJV #2 - We don’t want to be living in sin. Read Romans 14:23, NKJV & Romans 1:17, NKJV #3 - We want you to see God working...

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How To Multiply Your Money

How To Multiply Your Money

How to Multiply Your Money Believe and understand that God wants to multiply your money. (Genesis 1:22, NKJV; Matthew 25:14-30, TLB) The money you do have belongs to the Lord and is simply on loan. God will multiply your money according to your ability to give back....

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The Nature of God

The Nature of God

Multiply Your Faith: The Nature of God Welcome, to the first sermon in a series called Multiply by Pastor James Greer. We’re excited to share that this series of sermons will explore how to multiply your joy, your peace, your money, and how to multiply your...

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Assemble In Love

Assemble In Love

Assemble in Love We must use our gifts in love. (1 Corinthians 13:1-13, CEV) Love does not equal joy; Only when we learn to communicate love. Does it equal joy. If you can preach the word, have great faith, and believe that God can do the impossible, but cannot do it...

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Help Affair Proof Your Marriage

Help Affair Proof Your Marriage

Help Affair-Proof Your Marriage   Flee sexual immorality. (1 Corinthians 6:18, NKJV) Don’t be alone with other women. Don’t have personal and private conversations with other women. Don’t take that second and third look at other women. Have a picture of you and your...

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Say It, Do It, Be It

Say It, Do It, Be It

Say it, Do it, Be it When you think of something good, say it.Hebrews 3:13, AMP When you think of something special, do it.James 4:17, AMP When you want something different, be it.Romans 12:2, NLT

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Mercies and Miracles

Mercies and Miracles

Mercies and Miracles Jesus wants to give mercy and miracles this Easter. (Matthew 28:1, TLB) Jesus had cast 7 demons from Mary Magdalene, He had already shown her mercy and miracles. Jesus not only showed her mercy by not giving her what she deserved, but He also gave...

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Pouring Costly Oil

Pouring Costly Oil

Jesus loves those who are deemed unlovable, unforgivable, outcasts. He loves those who society has cast aside and abandoned. Jesus loves everyone and has no respect of persons. We are all the same in His sight. When Jesus has set you free, you should rejoice. Do not let others hinder your praise. Do not let them get in the way of you receiving your blessing. We must magnify our Savior, not our money, the value of things, or our circumstances. Put Him first. He first loved us.

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How a Family Can Live in Today’s Environment

How a Family Can Live in Today’s Environment

Know the times we are living in. (2 Timothy 3:1-7, 13, NKJV, TLB) Populated by selfish people. (2 Timothy 3:2, NKJV)Selfishness not only destroys relationships but it also robs our joy. (Philippians 4:4-5, TLB) Populated by blasphemers.Verbal abuse and slander towards...

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Passover of Peace

Passover of Peace

Watch Sermon RecapWatch Full SermonPassover of Peace The Lord’s Passover. (Exodus 12:11-14, NKJV) Jesus is our perfect Lamb. (John 1:29, NKJV; Exodus 12:21-29, NKJV) Jesus was born in a stable for lambs. The shepherds were some of the first to see Jesus because they...

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Multiplication by Invitation

Multiplication by Invitation

Multiplication by Invitation Abide in His Word. (John 15:5, NKJV) Abiding results in much fruit and Jesus wants us to have it. When we are abiding in the Word, we are abiding in Jesus. (John 15:7-8, NKJV) When we abide in His Word we know His will. When we know His...

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The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd Read Luke 2:1-12, NIV #1 - God doesn't keep out the outcast.  Read Luke 2:8-16, NIV #2 - God will use interruptions to bring divine introductions. Read Luke 2:17-20, NIV #3 - God includes us in His story to bring Him glory. Read John 10:11-14, NIV...

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Journey To Jesus

Journey To Jesus

Journey to the Light: Journey to Jesus  Realize you’re not where you should be in your relationship with Jesus. Read Matthew 2:1-2, NKJV Realize you need to make some changes. Admit that part of the change includes Jesus. (Psalm 127:1, NKJV; Proverbs 21:21, TLB;...

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Raising an Army: Through Hospitality

Raising an Army: Through Hospitality

Raising an Army: Through Hospitality Jesus used hospitality as a way of evangelizing. (Luke 7:34, NKJV; TEV) Sharing the Good News and restoring broken relationships or lives. When the relationships with God become mended, it’s the beginning of all other relationships...

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Why Are Christians So Miserable?

Why Are Christians So Miserable?

Why Are Christians So Miserable? 8:30 Service:Why Are Christians So Miserable? Pastor Steven RobertsAcknowledge that you are choosing to be miserableProverbs 15:15 MSG; Romans 1:24ESV You’re Holding onto somethingGalatians 5:1 AMP; Proverbs 16:9 ESV Live in the...

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How to Survive Until You Thrive

Time to Dream | How to Survive Until You Thrive Understand the process. If you don’t understand the process, the disappointments will defeat you instead of develop you. The greater the dream, the greater the process and pain. The greater the dream, the greater the...

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Time to Dream

Time to Dream | Why Don’t You Dream? (Romans 8:31,NKJV; Romans 8:37, NKJV; Jeremiah 1:7-8, TEV) Your dreams might be messed up, but God’s dreams for you are number one, and they’re good. (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV) God’s dreams for your life are far bigger than your dreams....

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Why Men Need to Man Up

Why Men Need to Man Up

Why Men Need to Man Up What it means to be the spiritual head of the family: (Genesis 3:6, NKJV; Ephesians 5:23, NKJV; 1 Corinthians 11:3, NKJV) You as the husband, man of the family, are to take the initiative in spiritual matters. (Ephesians 5:33, NKJV) Love your...

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Born for Greatness, Pt. 4

Born for Greatness, Pt. 4

You are Born for Greatness, Pt. 4 John 14:12-14, NKJV We are not only born for greatness, but also the good works we are to do help us accomplish our greatness. Jesus wants us to do greater works than He did. Many times, greater works will be done in our job, homes,...

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Be Planted

Be Planted

  Be Planted Psalm 92:12-15, NKJV Seven Insights to be planted in the church and learn to become the church. The righteous shall flourish. They are going to grow like a palm tree and cedar. When you are planted in the house of the Lord, you’re going to flourish....

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Comparative and Acceptable Hatred

Comparative and Acceptable Hatred

Watch Sermon RecapWatch Full SermonBreaking Up is Hard to Do | Comparative and Acceptable Hatred God has to be our number 1 and our mate our number 2. (Matthew 22:37-39, NKJV; Matthew 19:5-6, NKJV) Our Priorities determine our Blessings, our Direction, and our...

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The Vow of Pursuit

The Vow of Pursuit

Watch Sermon RecapBreaking Up is Hard to Do Pastor Andrew Barber | 8:30AM Service  Pursue More Grow Together Focus on the Center How You Can Fight to Keep Christ at the Center Pastor Richie Thornton | 10AM Service We must experience Intimacy with Christ. We must live...

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January 2021

QUICK LINKS VIDEO & OUTLINE: Insights about Authority, Power, Leadership, Influence & the Heart VIDEO & OUTLINE: A Letter to the Sheep of Journey Church from their Shpherd, Pastor James Greer "Training for Transfomation" Devotion Book Distribution Billy...

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Heaven or Hell: The First Trick

Heaven Yes! Hell no! The Truths and Tricks of the Devil. The First Trick.  The Relationship God Intended. (Genesis 2:25, NKJV)  When relationships are right you can still be naked and not ashamed. This relationship of nakedness does not depend on age and physical...

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Just Faith It | Faith to Thrive

Just Faith It | Faith To Thrive Key Scripture: Acts 27-28Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (NIV) “The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under...

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Just Faith It, Pt. 3

How to Use Our Faith | Example of a woman who had Faith and Action Hebrews 11:1-3, NKJV; Matthew8:5-10, NKJV Truths to empower us to just FAITH IT! Mark5:25-34, NKJV Jesus can turn our emotional and physical pain into victorious gain. God always has the final Word. If...

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The Monster’s Master Plan to Master Your Mind

The Monster’s Master Plan to Master Your Mind

The Monster's Master Plan: To Master Your Mind 2 Corinthians 10:3-4, NIV What does the Enemy do? The enemy tries to shape our thinking –one rock at a time until we are imprisoned to the lies. The enemy’s goal is to place distance between you and God by getting you to...

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Three Ways to Take Control of the Emotional Monsters

Three Ways to Take Control of the Emotional Monsters

The life we have is a reflection of the thoughts we think. Our mind is a battlefield of God’s truth and Satan’s lies. Our emotions are driven by the thoughts we think. Be aware of strong emotions that cause stress, such as guilt and anger. When the mind is stressed, so is the body. We are not in this alone. Stop trying to manage your emotions and stress on your own. Jesus is always there to help us. Cast on Him all of the cares. He cares for us. All we have to do is humble ourselves, admit we need Him, and He will restore us.

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Bad Boys Paul and Steven

Bad Boys, Bad Boys What You Gonna Do When The Lord Comes Paul & Steven Bad Boys Paul and StevenSteven’s greatest witness and influence was the way he died! Paul’s greatest influence was his conversion and the way he lived afterward. When two bad boys disagree, one...

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Table For Two: How to Have Your Real Needs Met

Table For Two: How to Have Your Real Needs Met

Psalm 23:1, NKJV; Psalm 23:5, NKJV; Psalm 23:1-6, NKJV We have a Shepherd Who prepared a table before us and awaits us to join Him. The Lord has prepared a table for us before our enemies. The Shepherd, the Champion goes before us with the rod and staff to protect us....

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Don’t Follow Your Feelings

Don’t Follow Your Feelings

Don't Follow Your Feelings Ephesians 5:18, NKJV; Romans 12:2, NKJV; John 16:33, NKJV Commit to Follow the Filling The greatest problem in the world today is people follow their feelings instead of the filling of the Holy Spirit. Following the Filling you would...

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When We Know Who We Are, We Know What To Do

When We Know Who We Are, We Know What To Do

Who are you? You are God’s Masterpiece! Until we know who we are and whose we are we try to be someone we are not. Four things every person wants in their life that they can only get from Christ: Acceptance Identity Security Purpose The problem is most people are...

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Fight Like A Man

Fight Like A Man

Fight Like A Man God created man to live out the greatness he was created for and fight the man he was equipped for. Change will only come with training not just simply trying. The greatness training for a man is to train to be Kingdom Man. We train best when we have...

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Pastor Darrell – Crazy People & You

Pastor Darrell – Crazy People & You

Darrell Ingram: 00:03 No greater love than for someone to lay their life down for another. All the men and women that have given their lives so that we can come, and that we can praise and worship God the way we want to. They were willing to sacrifice for each and...

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The best way to accomplish endgame ( purpose or dream) is to know where you want to end up. What is your Endgame? Colossians 3:17 NKJV, NLT Whatever we do (financially, school, marriage, and career) do it as a representative of Jesus. Don’t worry too much about what...

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Are We Living in the Last Days? Week 2

Are We Living in the Last Days? Week 2

Are We Living in the Last Days? Matthew 24:36-41 What Jesus knows about His return. Only the Father knows when I will return. You will know the season. People will be doing what seems right in their own eyes without a thought of God. Judgement is coming.  God looked...

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The End Times – How, When, Who

The End Times – How, When, Who

Stop trying, and start training Personal football story of never losing Trained in the wrong thing, our focus was on the wrong prize Precisely our problem The How is easy Rapture - 1 Thessalonians 4:16 (NASB) The When is equally easyWe focus on How and When Soon Even...

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Bear it + Be aware = Blessed

Bear it + Be aware = Blessed

Bear it + Be aware = BLESSED Temptation - pressure, suffering, stress, bearing or caring, enduring. It is God’s Grace, power and strength that gets us through the stressful times. (2 Corinthians 12:9, NKJV) We will all have pressure we have to bear. We have to become...

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Holy Shift to “The Holy Land”

It’s not our location, land, or even learning that brings joy. Joy is a journey of seeking Jesus. It is love for God and others that brings Joy. (Mark 12:30-31, NKJV) You will seek who you love. (Proverbs 8:17-18, NCV) Seeking anything other than a right relationship...

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Holy Shift in “Prayer”

The longer something exists the easier it is to SHIFT away from its original meaning and purpose. How we pray shows if we have strayed. God is to get the Honor and Glory in answered prayer. (Acts 3:1-26, NKJV) The main reason God wants to answer our prayers is for Him...

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Raising the Bar on Your Calling

John 15:15-16, NKJV Who is Samuel? 1 Samuel 1:26-28, NCV Samuel’s mother Hannah could not have children, she prayed and told God if He would give her a child she would give him back to serve the Lord all the days of his life. Hannah brought Samuel to the temple to...

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Peter: From Cussing to Christ

Peter From Cussing To Christ   Peter’s denial by his words. (Matthew 26:67-75, NKJV) Peter allowed this situation to cause him to stop following, depending on, leading, and teaching about Jesus. Has something happened in your life that has caused you to stop following...

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Follow and Fish

Follow and Fish

Get Your Ship Together: Follow and Fish Matthew 4:19, NKJV #1 -Jesus wants us fishing! Matthew 4:18-19, NKJV Jesus makes it very clear part of following is fishing—in fact if you are not fishing, you are not following. Prayer without inviting = Emptiness (Proverbs...

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