
Women Who Win

May 6, 2022

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Women Who Win

Your sorrow can turn to Joy. (Psalm 31:9, NKJV, NCV)

The Psalm 31 woman looks like she is under great emotion that even leads to physical sickness and pain. Even though the Proverbs 31 woman looks like she doesn’t struggle, everyone struggles.

The Proverbs 31 woman is more secure in knowing Who holds the future and she is able to rejoice because God is in control of her life. (Proverbs 31:25, NKJV) If your personal life feels more like the Psalm 31 woman with troubles and grief, God has promises for you today; Joy will come in the morning. (Jeremiah 31:13, Isaiah 61:3, NKJV, Psalm 30:5, NKJV)

God not only redeems, He restores.

Emotional pain and suffering can turn into physical pain. (Psalm 31:9-10, TEV) The Proverbs 31 woman, on the other hand, is strong and healthy. (Proverbs 31:17, NKJV; Psalm 31:7, TEV) Remember God knows and He restores. (1 Peter 5:10, ESV; Hebrews 13:21, ESV) God might not remove the hurt immediately, but He always brings comfort. (2 Corinthians 1:3, NKJV; John 14:18, KJV)

God is the owner of our reputations. (Proverbs 31:23, NKJV)

Don’t be intimidated by others. Saying that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills is another way of saying that everything belongs to God. (Psalm 50:10, NKJV)

Know the difference between reputation and character; Reputation is what others think of you, Character is who you are before God when no one is looking. Even though the Psalm 31 woman is overcome with fear about her reputation and relationships, she also knows who is in control of the problems and her enemies.

Even when your own house crumbles, God is your constant.

The source for anxiety for many Psalm 31 women is family problems. The suffering servant sees that refuge is found in God, despite what is going on externally. God has blessings stored up that He wants to pour out before a watching world. (Psalm 31:19-21, TLB)

Cheer up, The Lord is your protector and provider. (Psalm 31:23-24, TLB)

No matter what you’re going through, allow God to handle your problems and pour a blessing over you.





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