
God Never Panics, He Always Has A Plan

Mar 28, 2024

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God Never Panics, He Always Has a Plan

Look at your future. Philippians 1:6, NKJV

God has a plan for good work in your life to be completed. God has a plan for you to be saved, believe in His Son, and go to heaven. John 6:29, TLB God has a plan that He wants to work everything in your life out for the good.
The first step to God’s plan for your life is to be born again. Ephesians 2:10, AMP In time of panic, focus on what Jesus says about the matter not how you feel or what you see.
Matthew 28:1-10, TLB

Easter is all about going from tragedy to triumph.

Jesus went through the worst tragedy, and yet, God still did not panic. God’s plan is always bigger than our panic. Jesus rose at the dawn of a new day. Matthew 28:1-10, TLB) You can’t have a miracle without a problem that looks impossible. If you focus on your faith and what Jesus said, you can experience a miracle.

What is finished? Matthew 28:2, NKJV; John 19:30, NKJV

The price is paid for our sins. You no longer have to live in guilt, sin, unforgiveness, shame, fear without hope, condemnation, or panic because it is finished! The devil is a liar and wants you to live in guilt. One of the purposes of Jesus dying and being raised from the grave is so we could have an abundant life. John 10:10, NKJV Salvation is not achieved it is received. Grace is given not earned.

Our future is furnished. (Ephesians 2:10)

It is God’s plan to enjoy the future. When you allow Jesus to do His finished work in your
life it’s a new day coming. Matthew 28:5, KJV; Joel 2:25, NKJV Jesus did not die only to save is from something, but to something. (Matthew 28:7, NKJV)

Jesus not only saved us from hell, but also to heaven. Jesus not only saved us from bondage, but also to
freedom. Jesus not only saved us from death, but also to give us


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