Journey Church Game Plan

January 2021

Jan 4, 2021

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Insights About Authority, Power, Leadership, Influence & The Heart

Insights about Authority, Power, Leadership, Influence & the Heart 

#1 – Authority is something given, influence is earned!

  • You can learn to use it or abuse it.
  • Influence is what you possess within you.
  • If you don’t learn to earn influence, you will lose the authority:
  • Leadership is influence, not power or authority!
  • Power is your ability to cause good or harm.

#2 – True leaders don’t focus on power but purpose.

  • Purpose determines what we sacrifice and give to and that determines our destiny. Purpose determines our destiny.
  • Our true purpose should direct our paths. If you’re off your path you have either:

           1) Forgotten your purpose

           2) Never had a true purpose

           3) Been blinded to the true purpose!

  • For me and my house our purpose is to further God’s Kingdom.

#3 – Make sure your heart is right.

  • If your heart is not right:

             1) Your Sacrifices will not be right.

             2) Your life will not be right.

             3) You will have to face the self-imposed issues.

             4) You will have the wrong influences.

Proverbs 4:23 (NKJV) Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

Proverbs 4:23 (TLB) Above all else, guard your affections (heart). For they influence everything else in your life.

  • Your heart has the greatest influence in your life. The greatest issues in your life come from your heart. 

#4 – The direction and quality of life you have is determined greatly by what you spend your time and money on.

  • You cannot determine where your heart is at by what you think or feel. Money and time are proof of where our heart really is.

Jeremiah 17:9-10 (NKJV) “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.

This verse tells us the truth about how we use our MONEY!

Matthew 6:21 (NKJV) For where your treasure is (how we spend our money), there your heart will be also. 

  • Do you tithe and give above your tithe? Are you humbled and happy when you are able to give and give a lot? (Our greatest givers are humble and happy that they can give!)
  • This verse tells us how we use our TIME:

Colossians 3:17 (NKJV) And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Matthew 6:31-34 (NKJV) Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

  • Do you use your work, hobby and home to further God’s Kingdom? Do you understand and apply what the Kingdom of God is?

Key Insight:

God has to be the ultimate source of meeting any and all our needs. Other people (your mate, job, pastor, ect.) cannot give you what only God can; they are only conduits used by God.

Questions to Reflect:

  1. How do you use your money to influence others to further God’s Kingdom?
  2. How do you use your time to influence others to further the Kingdom of God?

A Letter to the Sheep of Journey Church from their Shpherd, Pastor James Greer

A Letter to the Sheep of Journey Church from their Shepherd, Pastor James Greer

As your shepherd and God’s under shepherd, I want you to know that I miss you, I care for you, and I want the best for you.

It’s my responsibility to:

  • Show up on Sunday’s for you. (Hebrews 10:25, NKJV)
  • Feed you God’s Word. (Matthew 4:4, NKJV; John 21:16, KJV)
  • Protect you from the wolves. (Hebrews 13:17, NKJV; Matthew 10:16, NKJV)
  • Bring back the wandering sheep before it’s too late. (Matthew 18:12-13, NKJV; 1 Peter 5:8, NKJV)

A Few Verses for Us Both to Ponder:

  1. Matthew 9:36, NKJV, “But when he saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.” 

Matthew 9:36, AMP, “When He saw the throngs, He was moved with pity and sympathy for them, because they were bewildered (harassed and distressed and dejected and helpless), like sheep without a shepherd.”

    1. If you stay away from the flock very long you will become weary, stressed out, harassed, dejected and helpless against the enemy.
  1. Acts 20:28, TLB, “And now be aware! Be sure that you feed and shepherd God’s flock – His church, purchased with His blood – for the Holy Spirit is holding you responsible as overseers.”
    1. As your shepherd, I will have to give an account to God how I feed and lead you.
    2. You were purchased by the blood of Jesus and I don’t take that lightly.
  2. Ephesians 4:11, TLB, “Some of us have been given special ability as apostles; to others he has given the gift of being able to preach well; some have special ability in winning people to Christ, helping them to trust Him as their Savior; still others have a gift for caring for God’s people as a shepherd does his sheep, leading and teaching them in the ways of God.”
    1. I am to preach, lead, and shepherd the flock.
  3. 1 Peter 2:25, NKJV, “For you were like sheep going astray, but have now turned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.”
    1. Sheep often go astray, but God always wants them to return for their good and protection and so do I as God’s under shepherd.
  4. 1 Peter 5:2, NCV, “shepherd God’s flock, for whom you are responsible. Watch over them because you want to, not because you are forced. That is how God wants it. Do it because you are happy to serve, not because you want money.”
    1. God has given me the responsibility to shepherd you and watch over you spiritually and I can only do that if you are in church, in the Word and under the Word.
    2. This is my plea for you to get back to church this Sunday for your protection and for me to accomplish my purpose.
    3. I hope to see you this Sunday for your protection and my purpose.
  5. Zechariah 11:17, NKJV, “Woe to the worthless shepherd, who leaves the flock. A sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye; His arm shall completely wither, and his right eye shall be totally blinded.”
    1. I don’t want to be worthless in the eyes of God and I surely don’t want the discipline that comes to a worthless shepherd.

I Love you in the Lord

Your Pastor and shepherd,

Pastor and Shepherd James


Billy Graham Motivational Video

Journey Group Curriculum

Who is Jesus - Louie Giglio

Who is Jesus – Louie Giglio

Session 1 – January 3rd
Session 2 – Sanuary 10th
Session 3 – January 17th
Session 4 – January 24th
Session 5 – January 31st

Unshakable - Rick Warren


Session 1 – February 7th, 2021
Session 2 – February 14th, 2021
Session 3 – February 21st, 2021
Session 4 – February 28th, 2021
Session 5 – March 7th, 2021
Session 6 – March 14th, 2021
Session 7 – March 21st, 2021
Session 8 – March 28th, 2021

Who is Jesus - Louie Giglio

Life is _______. – Judah Smith

Session 1 – April 4th, 2021
Session 2 – April 11th, 2021
Session 3 – April 18th, 2021
Session 4 – Apriil 23rd, 2021
Session 5 – May 2nd, 2021
Session 6 – May 9th, 2021

Life on Mission - Tim Harlow

Life on Mission – Tim Harlow

Session 1 – May 16th, 2021
Session 2 – May 23rd, 2021
Session 3 – May 30th, 2021
Session 4 – June 6th, 2021
Session 5 – June 13th, 2021
Session 6 – June 20th, 2021

Upcoming Sermon Series

Life on Mission - Tim Harlow

Breakup – Februrary Series

Stop Going to Church

Stop Going to Church – March Series

Life on Mission - Tim Harlow

Greater – April & May Series

Volunteer Spotlight

Book Distribution

Pastor James’ heart is to see develop and people grow. Core Value: Growing People, Change. The following process will allow us to see people developing (when they share their insight). If someone is faithful in sharing their insight, it might be someone you want to look at to give some group responsibilities to or develop out for leadership. This is a pipeline to grow people and find potential leaders. We’re asking all leaders to:

    Training for Transformation

    #1 –  Pass Out the New Devotion Book to Your Group

    “Training for Transformation” will be given out to you at the Dream Team Meeting. You will receive enough copies for your entire class. If you cannot make it to the meeting, contact Joy (joy@jcpineville.com, 318-278-1998) to arrange pickup or delivery to your class.


      #2 – Share Personal Insights Through WhatsApp & Encourage Engagement

      Pastor James wants to create a WhatsApp texting group for your group. Every Monday, the church office will post the weekly devotion in your WhatsApp group. Pastor James is asking that you engage and encourage engagement. Contact Josh (josh@jcpineville.com, 318-715-7404) to get setup and trained.

      WhatsAppWhat is WhatsApp? It’s a group texting app that allows you to easily manage who is in your group. It’s the best group messaging platform that we’ve found.

      Other Benefits: Pastor James and some of the staff will be in your WhatsApp group and may have the opportunity to encourage and your people who have insights.


      #3 – Share Who You’re Inviting in Your WhatsApp. 

      One of our Core Values is: Found People Find People. Encourage your group to share who they invited to to the WhatsApp Group. This allows people to be encouraged and it reminds others to invite.

      Pastor Josh can Help You Promote and Market Your Class

      We want to help you grow your class. Pastor Josh is a great resource to help you market your class. Contact Josh (josh@jcpineville.com, 318-715-7404) to help you with anything about marketing your class.

      Record a 30-Second to 2-Minute Invite Video. 

      You are unique and your personality can shine and connect with others. The church office can edit the video and add group pictures. This video will allow people to see what your class is all about and it creates an opportunity for the church to run advertising for your class. To get started, record and video and send it to Josh. See a sample invite video below:

      Your group has a webpage on www.MyJourneyGroup.com

      Your webpage is the central place for all the information about your class. To update the information, please contact Josh. Some things that we can do and implement on your webpage:

      • Create or improve your group logo
      • Display your invite video
      • Display information about your class. (When, where and why they should come)
      • Display group photos
      • Create a sign up form for your group that notifies you and adds them to your CCB Group automagically
      • Add a link to your WhatsApp Group

      The Church office can create an invite card to your class and church.

      If interested, please contact Josh. Your invite card will have:

      Front: Group logo, a link to your website with QR code (so people can easily find out more about your class)

      Back: Church invitation with service times

      Don't Miss Out on the February Dream Team Meeting!

      RSVP for February Meeting to Get Your Exclusive "Xtraordinary" Shirt

      Please RSVP to the February 10th, 2021 Dream Team Meeting to reserve your Limited Edition, “Xraordinary” long sleeve shirt. This exclusive shirt is for the Dream Team and it will only be released during this meeting.


      View other sermon videos and sermon outlines from the, "Monthly Meetings" Series

      True Peace Begins with Spiritual Priorities

      True Peace Begins with Spiritual Priorities

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      Unstoppable At 85: Caleb’s Faith to Conquer Giants

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      Victory vs. Defeat

      Victory vs. Defeat

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      Giants or Grapes? What You See Shapes Your Victory

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      Focusing on God’s Power, Not Your Problems

      Focusing on God’s Power, Not Your Problems

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      The Journey to the Promised Land

      The Journey to the Promised Land

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      The Coach’s Playbook

      The Coach’s Playbook

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      Sermon Library Search

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      Spiritual Growth

      Church Services in Pineville on Sundays at 8:30AM, 10AM & 11:30am

      Journey Church is a friendly, welcoming place to grow closer to God
      Plan Your Experience