
February Meeting 2021

Feb 8, 2021

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Dream team! Here is the meeting recap. We’re excited about next months meeting on Wednesday, March 10th, 20201 at 5:30PM. Don’t miss out, as you will receive a “Be the Church” shirt and learn about our Easter season.

Leadership Lesson: Why Most People Don’t Reach Their Potential

Success is 80% relationships and 20% product knowledge.

Attitude will greatly determine your altitude.

Direction, not intentions, determines the destination.

4 Reasons most people don’t reach their potential:

#1 – The choices they make.

Many people make choices that limit them. They don’t work hard and long. Some have bad attitudes. We all have to make choices in everything we do and in the end, the choices we make, make us.

You can have good intentions, good attitude and excitement, but only one direction and choice will make you a success.

# 2 – The time it takes.

Most have no idea the process would take that long and most people give up just before the success comes.

Insight about time and projects: They are more difficult than we anticipated. They take longer than we anticipated. They cost more than we anticipated.

Two realities about time and reaching our potential:

There are things we work for. There are things we wait for.

#3 – The price they have to pay.

Most people are not willing to pay the price that their potential demands or costs. For everything you gain you have to give something up. Most are not willing to give up to go up.

#4 – The problems we face.

Most people allow problems to keep them from their potential. Failure is not final unless you give up and quit. Free insight: we are all going to fail! When we fail we might as well learn something from it. Don’t live in the past but learn from it.

Volunteer Spotlight

Be The Church Campaign

Easter Egg Hunt

Marketing Your Group

Grow Your People Through the Devotion

Pastor James’ heart is to see people develop and grow. Core Value: Growing People, Change. The following process will allow us to see people developing (when they share their insight). If someone is faithful in sharing their insight, it might be someone you want to look at to give some group responsibilities to or develop out for leadership. This is a pipeline to grow people and find potential leaders. We’re asking all leaders to:

#1 –  Pass Out the Devotion Book to New People that Attend Your Group

This is a great gift to your guests

#2 – Share Your  Thoughts Through WhatsApp & Encourage Engagement with your group.

The more you do this, the more you will help develop others spiritually.

#3 – Use Your Groups Invite Card

Use your group’s invite card to quickly add someone to your WhatsApp group!

Get a Custom Business Card for Your Group

Contact Pastor Josh – 318-715-7404


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