Church Services in Pineville, LA at 8:30AM, 10AM & 11:30am
Journey Church is a friendly, welcoming place to grow closer to God. We offer contemporary worship services with modern worship songs, great kids programs and a late church service. Plan Your Visit

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5 Things to Expect When Visiting Journey Church in Pineville
#1 – One-Hour Worship Experience
From start to finish our 1-hour worship experience is designed to bring you closer to God with heartfelt worship and down-to-earth practical message to motivate and inspire spiritual growth. Listen to some of our worship songs.
#2 – Expect A Pastor Who Cares
Pastor James’ heart is to help people grow closer to God one-step at a time. View Pastor James’ Blog for free growth resources or watch an insiring sermon.

BONUS: Welcoming, Judge-Free People.
No matter your what you’ve done in the past, your skin color or socio-economic status… you are are welcome at Journey! Ready to try out a Sunday Worship Experience?
#3 – Great Kid’s Programs
Free child care (Newborn-6th Grade) is available every service so that you can enjoy a distraction free worship experience. Your kids will have a blast in a clean, safe and fun environment where they learn about Jesus on their level. Your child will get the best care and experience. Kids Have Fun & Learn About Jesus on Their Level
#4 – Free Gift for First Time Guests
When visiting Journey in Pineville, stop by the Next Step Center in the Sanctuary lobby to pick up a free gift as our way to thank you for being our guest.
#5 – Special Parking for Guests
Special parking available for first time guests near the sanctuary entrance.
Get the V.I.P. Experience
Plan your visit ahead of time to sign up to receive a special gift, and if you’d like, get a personal host to show you around and reserve a great seat for you.
Reviews & Testimonials

What denomination is Journey Church?
While some people will call Journey Church non-denominational, we actually have roots as a Baptist church. We believe denomination isn’t as imporatnt as a relationship with Jesus. We actually like to think of our church as multi-denomination because we tend to collect a little bit of everyone. People who attend Journey often times grew up in a Baptist Church, Catholic Church, Non-Denominational Church, Penetecostal Church, Methodist Church, Mormon Church and more. Ultimately, Journey Church is a Christian Church – we believe Jesus is the way.
Is Journey Church in Pineville connected with any other Journey Church?
Journey Church launched a campus in Alexandria, LA for a couple of years. During covid – the facility sold and merged back with the Pineville church campus. Beyond that, Journey is not affiliated with any other Journey Church.
How did Journey Church get its name?
In 2006, Pastor James Greer was interim Pastor at Lee Heights Baptist Church in Tioga, LA. At the time there were 12 members of the church. The church began growing and the church got renamed to Lee Heights Family Church. In 2009, Attendance was growing and there wasn’t any seating room, even with multiple services, so plans began to build a new facility. God opened the doors for a large church property in Pineville to come available. The church campus on Donahue Ferry Rd in Pineville near ward 9 and Sudden Link was purchased and the church made the journey to it’s new home along with its new name, Journey Church.
Life is Journey
Life isn’t about the destination, though that is important. Life is about others and the value you can bring to others. It’s the journey to become a better spouse, parent, employee or boss. It’s the journey to grow yourself and help others grow around you. Everyone has a next step. It’s a process of improving yourself. There will always be areas to get better at, so enjoy where you’re at and enjoy the people around you.
Frequently Asked Questions.
Here are some common questions about Journey Church.
Do you have a dress code?
No. Everyone is welcome. Come the way that you feel most comfortable.
What kind of church are you?
Christian Church.
While some people will call Journey Church non-denominational, we actually have roots as a Baptist church. We believe denomination isn't as important as a relationship with Jesus. We actually like to think of our church as multi-denomination because we tend to collect a little bit of everyone. People who attend Journey often times grew up in a Baptist Church, Catholic Church, Non-Denominational Church, Penetecostal Church, Methodist Church, Mormon Church and more. Ultimately, Journey Church is a Christian Church - we believe Jesus is the way.
Our heart is to bring people who are far from God, close to God. Everything we do, from events to groups to services; help people get closer to Jesus.
Do you have Sunday School or Small Groups?
Yes! Find a Journey Group
Do you have a youth group?
Yes! Journey Student Ministry is for 7th-12th Grade Students. Real. Relevant. Fun. Learn about Jesus, grow in your relationship with God and have a TON of fun doing it.

2900 Donahue Ferry Rd
Pineville, LA 71360
(Near Ward 9 and Suddenlink)

Journey Church Contact Form
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2900 Donahue Ferry Rd, Pineville, LA 71360