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The Purpose and Passion of Noah

Jul 14, 2023

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The Purpose and Passion of Noah

Don’t let age stop you from living out your purpose and passion. (Genesis 5:32, NKJV)

You are never too old or too young to start living out your purpose and passion. It’s not an age factor, it’s a stage factor. It’s not an age factor, it’s having a heart that matters. Purpose and passion start with a clean heart, a heart willing to say “Here I am Lord, send me.” (Isaiah 6:5-8, NKJV)

Purpose and passion are for a time like today. (Genesis 6:5-8, NKJV)

There’s never been a time that would be easier to be a light in the midst of darkness than today.

We don’t know the day or the hour Jesus is going to return, but we can know the season and we are living in it. (Matthew 24:26-41, NKJV)

Purpose and passion come as we walk with God. (Genesis 6:9-10, NKJV; Genesis 6:14-16, NCV)

When we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior today, we become just as we’ve never sinned. As we walk with God, we hear from God and receive purpose and passion.

B.O. = Hear the Word, Believe the Word, and Obey the Word = Peace, Power, Purpose and Passion.

What purpose and passion will do for you. (Romans 8:31, NKJV; Matthew 19:26, NKJV)

  • Believe things I would not have believed. (Yes or No)
  • Feel things I would not have felt. (Yes or No)
  • Attempt things I would not have attempted. (Yes or No)
  • Accomplish things I would not have accomplished. (Yes or No)
  • Go places I would not have gone. (Yes or No)
  • Dream dreams I would not have been able to dream. (Yes or No)
  • Impossible things became possible. (Yes or No)

The danger of not having purpose and passion. (Genesis 9:20-21, NLT2)

When we don’t have a purpose, passion, or vision, we will do things and say things we should not have done. With purpose and passion Noah could build an Ark, without purpose and passion he began to do and say things he should not have done or said.




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