
4-1 LESSON REVIEW: Emotional Intelligence Quiz

Review the questions below and self-evaluate

  1. I do not become defensive when criticized.

Strongly disagree        Disagree          Neither agree nor disagree      Agree        Strongly agree

  1. I can stay calm under pressure.

Strongly disagree        Disagree          Neither agree nor disagree      Agree        Strongly agree

  1. I handle setbacks effectively.

Strongly disagree        Disagree          Neither agree nor disagree      Agree        Strongly agree

  1. I manage anxiety, stress, anger, and fear in pursuit of a goal.

Strongly disagree        Disagree          Neither agree nor disagree      Agree        Strongly agree

  1. I utilize criticism and other feedback for growth.

Strongly disagree        Disagree          Neither agree nor disagree      Agree        Strongly agree

  1. I am positive.

Strongly disagree        Disagree          Neither agree nor disagree      Agree        Strongly agree

  1. I maintain a sense of humor.

Strongly disagree        Disagree          Neither agree nor disagree      Agree        Strongly agree

  1. I try to see things from another’s perspective.

Strongly disagree        Disagree          Neither agree nor disagree      Agree        Strongly agree

  1. I recognize how my behavior affects others. 

Strongly disagree        Disagree          Neither agree nor disagree      Agree        Strongly agree

  1. I air grievances skillfully.

Strongly disagree        Disagree          Neither agree nor disagree      Agree        Strongly agree

  1. I can listen without jumping to judgment.

Strongly disagree        Disagree          Neither agree nor disagree      Agree        Strongly agree

  1. I can freely admit to making a mistake.

Strongly disagree        Disagree          Neither agree nor disagree      Agree        Strongly agree