
Refreshing by Serving

One way we can access an oasis for our souls is by serving! Oasis- A place that provides refuge, relief, or pleasant contrast. Acts 20: 34-35 – You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. In everything I did,...

Faith or Fear

I am excited to continue our series entitled “All in my Head.” During this series we have been discussing mental health. Part 1 taught us how we deal with Being Overwhelmed. In Part two,  we learned how to deal with Toxic Thinking, toxic thinking leads to...

Fear of the Future

I want to talk about something that I have certainly struggled with in the past and maybe you have struggled with it also. That is fear of the future or fear of the unknown. If this is you, I want to share some biblical truths and it is my prayer that as you learn to...

Mind Games

The question is how do we fight toxic thinking, and not just fight it, but how do we cultivate healthy or wholesome thinking so that it begins to produce godliness in our lives. Studying and learning how to deal with the toxicity in our daily lives can teach us to...

Have You Felt Overwhelmed?

Feeling overwhelmed is not just specific to us, we see in scripture that even Jesus experienced times where He was greatly overwhelmed. In fact, the night before Jesus was crucified, Jesus was so overwhelmed that the book of Luke records that His sweat became like...

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James Greer

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