Bringing 6th to 12th Grade Students Closer to God in Pineville, LA
We are a group of students who are passionate about worship, serving, growing in our faith, sharing our faith and building strong relationships! Journey Students exist to bring students who are far from God, close to God, one step at a time. If you are a student in the 6th-12th grade and you’re looking for a place to belong, then take your next step into Journey Students.
Journey Student Blog
Refreshing by Serving
One way we can access an oasis for our souls is by serving! Oasis- A place that provides refuge, relief, or pleasant contrast. Acts 20: 34-35 – You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. In everything I did,...
Mind Games
The question is how do we fight toxic thinking, and not just fight it, but how do we cultivate healthy or wholesome thinking so that it begins to produce godliness in our lives. Studying and learning how to deal with the toxicity in our daily lives can teach us to...
It’s Dangerous to Go Alone! Take this!
What is that one movie or show that you can quote word for word? You know every single line and when you watch the movie or show with a friend you drive them nuts quoting it. What do we really stand to gain if we can quote movies or quote shows? Probably not a whole...
Faith or Fear
I am excited to continue our series entitled "All in my Head." During this series we have been discussing mental health. Part 1 taught us how we deal with Being Overwhelmed. In Part two, we learned how to deal with Toxic Thinking, toxic thinking leads to toxic...
Have You Felt Overwhelmed?
Feeling overwhelmed is not just specific to us, we see in scripture that even Jesus experienced times where He was greatly overwhelmed. In fact, the night before Jesus was crucified, Jesus was so overwhelmed that the book of Luke records that His sweat became like...
Rest in the Shadows
Have you ever gone to the beach? Have you ever walked on the beach in the heat of the day? If you have never walked on a hot beach, think about walking on hot concrete in the middle of a hot Louisiana summer. When walking on the beach I always want to find the tiniest...
Fear of the Future
I want to talk about something that I have certainly struggled with in the past and maybe you have struggled with it also. That is fear of the future or fear of the unknown. If this is you, I want to share some biblical truths and it is my prayer that as you learn to...
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Do you love to take pictures? Or maybe you know someone who loves to take pictures? You know that person who has to take pictures of their food or always wants a group pictures when you’re out with friends. We take pictures to capture moments. Whether good moments or...
How to go from Misery to a Miracle
Read Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Think To every believer, God offers an open invitation to come before Him in prayer. When we accept this invitation, God promise to give us understanding...