
It’s Dangerous to Go Alone! Take this!

Apr 24, 2020

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What is that one movie or show that you can quote word for word? You know every single line and when you watch the movie or show with a friend you drive them nuts quoting it.

What do we really stand to gain if we can quote movies or quote shows? Probably not a whole lot honestly. But what if we were to take the same ability to quote movies and being to apply it to the word of God? What would we gain from that?

Joshua 1:8 – Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

The scripture is telling us, is that when we speak the word and think about the wordthat reminds us to do the word and then it says we are blessed for obeying God’s word.

We cannot underestimate the power of the word of God, the bible tells us that the word of God is the sword of the Spirit, God’s word is a weapon for the believer.

Even in the life of Jesus we see Him using the word of God to defend against the devil in Matthew 4. In Matthew Jesus went into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Every time the devil brought a temptation to Jesus, He fired back with the word of God. The devil said if you are the Son of God, turn these stones into bread…Jesus said it is written, man shall not live by bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Then the devil brought Jesus on top of the temple and told him to throw himself off because its written – He will command His angels concerning you and they won’t allow you to strike your foot against the stone.

This world can get really wild. We are all going to experience temptation. We are going to experience doubt and fear. We are going to experience times when we don’t really know what to do, but we can overcome the wild and all these things with the Word of God. In all moments, good and bad in this crazy life we need to speak the Word of God. As we speak the word of God, what begins to happen is our faith is elevated and activated. The Bible says that faith comes from hearing and speaking the Word of God.

So I want to challenge you to begin to read God’s word and being to learn it. Spend time memorizing it. His word is powerful and will empower you to get through the wild of this world.


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