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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Apr 24, 2020

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Do you love to take pictures? Or maybe you know someone who loves to take pictures? You know that person who has to take pictures of their food or always wants a group pictures when you’re out with friends. We take pictures to capture moments. Whether good moments or bad moments, a picture captures the moment. When we see that picture, we are able to reflect on the moment and remember it.

I believe Jesus knew the power of a picture. We see this in the way that he taught. Jesus was a master at using nature, objects or pointing back to historical events in order to paint the perfect picture for His audience – to bring understanding and to help us remember!

One of the most powerful pictures Jesus painted for us was at The Last Supper. Jesus and his disciples came together to celebrate Passover. In Exodus, we see Moses go to free the Israelites from Egypt and Pharaoh refused so God sent 10 plagues. The very last plague was the killing of the first born in every household in Egypt. God commanded them to take a lamb, kill it and spread the blood of the lamb over the door, so that when the death angel comes, everyone in the house would be safe. After this happened Pharaoh released the Israelites from slavery.

Passover is a celebration of this redemptive work. The Israelites were experiencing their own kind of pandemic, much like we are now. Their pandemic could have easily lead to panic – but they experienced a Passover which led to peace.

Jesus gathered with His disciples celebrating The Passover and Jesus begins to paint a picture…

Luke 22:19-2019 And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

20 In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

Jesus took the bread and showed it to His disciples and said, this is my body or a picture of my body which is broken for you. – In other words, Jesus took upon himself, the penalty of sin that you and I deserved! Remember how the Israelites had to kill a lamb…Jesus was saying I am the Passover Lamb! – In me you have redemption!

Then Jesus took the juice, He showed it to His disciples and said “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. The scripture tells us that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. Remember the Blood of the Lamb that the Israelites placed on their door post and the death angel passed over…Jesus was painting a picture saying I am the Lamb and if you apply my blood to your life, the judgement of God will Passover you!

As we look at these pictures we are to remember what Jesus accomplished for us! He paid the price with His body and with His blood so that we could be redeemed and come into fellowship with Him! – He painted a perfect picture that He is our Passover Lamb!


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