
Peter: From Cussing to Christ

Peter From Cussing To Christ   Peter’s denial by his words. (Matthew 26:67-75, NKJV) Peter allowed this situation to cause him to stop following, depending on, leading, and teaching about Jesus. Has something happened in your life that has caused you to stop following...

New Start

New Start Easter 2017 Matthew 28:1-10, TLB Jesus did not die only to save us from something but to something. (Matthew 28:7-8, NKJV) The message for you and I, Jesus is not dead but has risen—because He is not dead a new day is coming if we want it! God wants us to...

Get Your Ship Together

Get Your Ship Together: Learn When to Fish, Where to Fish & How to Fish Luke 10:25-37, NKJV When do we fish? Anytime we see someone in need—not just physical needs but emotional or financial needs. Anytime God gives us compassion for that person. Where do we fish?...

Follow and Fish

Get Your Ship Together: Follow and Fish Matthew 4:19, NKJV #1 -Jesus wants us fishing! Matthew 4:18-19, NKJV Jesus makes it very clear part of following is fishing—in fact if you are not fishing, you are not following. Prayer without inviting = Emptiness (Proverbs...

Honor Part 2

Honor Part 2 Where Did Dishonor Come From? Genesis 3:1-6, NKJV Satan is the author of dishonor and disorder. He did not start out as the devil, he started out as a beautiful angel with a beautiful voice. Satan was created to Honor God with his beautiful voice—instead...

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