
Assemble In Love

Assemble in Love We must use our gifts in love. (1 Corinthians 13:1-13, CEV) Love does not equal joy; Only when we learn to communicate love. Does it equal joy. If you can preach the word, have great faith, and believe that God can do the impossible, but cannot do it...

Faith and Oil

The Big Idea I can have faith in God! The Bible Elisha and the widow’s oil: II Kings 4:1-7 The Questions Why was the woman in the Bible story sad?What did Elisha tell her to do?How did God provide for her?What does having faith mean to...

You Have A Calling

You Have A Calling Everyone is important. (1 Corinthians 12:15-22, NKJV) Every person is just as important, whether you are seen out front or behind the scenes, God knows. Everyone has a calling. (Isaiah 6:8, NKJV) “Here am I, send me!” will be your response when you...

You Have a Calling

You Have A Calling Everyone is important. (1 Corinthians 12:15-22, NKJV) Every person is just as important, whether you are seen out front or behind the scenes, God knows. Everyone has a calling. (Isaiah 6:8, NKJV) “Here am I, send me!” will be your response when you...

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