
Journey To Wonder Park

The Big Idea We can worship by putting our hope in God The Bible Wait in hope.Psalm 33:12-22 The Questions Why do you think we need both a ‘help’ and a ‘shield?’If a knight can’t keep you safe, who can?How can you worship God...

The Nature of God

Watch Full Sermon Watch Sermon Recap Multiply Your Faith: The Nature of God Welcome, to the first sermon in a series called Multiply by Pastor James Greer. We’re excited to share that this series of sermons will explore how to multiply your joy, your peace, your...

Sus Kings and the Jordan River

The Big Idea I can be used by God! The Bible Elisha and NaamanII Kings 5:1-14 The Questions What problem did Naaman have?What did Naaman have to do to get healed?Is there someone in your life who needs...

The Power of the Gift

Watch Full Sermon Watch Sermon Recap The Power of the Gift | Samson Example of power: (Judges 13:5, 24-25, NKJV; 1 Corinthians 12:1, AMP; 1 Corinthians 10:11, NCV) Samson killed a lion with his bare hands. (Judges 14:6, NKJV) When we are set apart for God and filled...

How to Receive Spiritual Gifts

How to Receive Spiritual Gifts Spiritual Gifts: (1 Corinthians 12:1, NKJV) Spiritual gifts are an expression of the manifold grace of God. (1 Peter 4:10, NKJV) A spiritual gift is a skill or ability that allows each Christian to perform a function in the Body of...

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