
Peter: From Cussing to Christ

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Apr 23, 2017

Peter From Cussing To Christ


Peter’s denial by his words. (Matthew 26:67-75, NKJV)

  1. Peter allowed this situation to cause him to stop following, depending on, leading, and teaching about Jesus.
  2. Has something happened in your life that has caused you to stop following Jesus?


Peter’s denial by his deeds. (John 21:3-20, NKJV)

  1. Peter cursed—denied Jesus –Now he is going back to living just like he did before meeting Jesus.
  2. When we run from Jesus we not only influence others to do the wrong thing, what we ran to is really not what we thought it would be—they caught NOTHING.
  3. Outside of Jesus you will be nothing—you are always missing something, always looking to the wrong people, always looking at wrong places.


Jesus lack of denial.

  1. You may have left Jesus—but Jesus will not leave you!
  2. Many times we have gotten so far away from Jesus we don’t even recognize Him—His voice is His presence.
  3. When we go back to living life the same way we did before we met Jesus—we will not be effective.
  4. It is more about being willing to obey than what you are doing.



  1. The first thing we need to do is do whatever it takes to get closer to Jesus.
  2. We need to make sure we don’t drop our nets—we need to do whatever it takes to drag the fish (people) Jesus blessed us with.
  3. Jesus wants a type of fellowship with Him, others, and us.
  4. #3 is for completeness—The trinity is three: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  5. When Jesus died for our sins it was complete—it is finished.
  6. When you ask Jesus to forgive your sins—it is completely forgiven.
  7. We can’t really have a new beginning, fresh start until we are FINISHED and completely through with our old life.


The Result of a REDIAL—How God used Peter’s Leftovers.

  1. God can only use your leftovers when you have left behind what is blocking the blessing.
  2. What is it you need to leave behind that’s blocking your blessings?
  3. Once Peter redialed—went back to Jesus, He went from blame to boldness—from being a coward to great (Acts 4:13, NKJV)
  4. People can tell when you have been with Jesus—it is not what you know it is Who you know! (Acts 2:41, NKJV)

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