Hope to Change | Jesus Will Give You Hope Again
Romans 4:16-17, NLT2 proves nothing is hopeless.
We are saved and delivered by faith, not works. God is the God who can bring dead things back to life. God turns nobodies into somebodies. God makes something out of nothing.
One of the main reasons for hopelessness is delay. (John 11:1-6, 10-44, ESV)
Delay does not mean denial. Delay often leads to doubt and discouragement. If you are feeling hopeless and discouraged, Jesus knows how you feel and wants to comfort you by both the Holy Spirit and His Word.
One of the main cures for hopelessness is believing what God’s Word says. (John 11:22-25, ESV)
Jesus is personally wanting to encourage you to believe that whatever He says is true and can comfort you, guide you, or remove the hopelessness. Jesus is telling you He will give you hope again. (Psalm 27:13, NKJV)
Have a heavenly or eternal perspective even in the most hopeless situations.
Remind yourself that earth is not your home. Jesus reminds us that this is not the end of life, but only the beginning of life. (John 11:26, ESV)
The devil knows that if he can isolate you form Jesus, you will feel helpless and hopeless longer. (John 11:27-28, ESV) When you are hurting and feel hopeless, Jesus is moved, troubled, and wants to comfort you. (John 11:29-33, ESV)
Jesus wept; He had a physical, spiritual, and emotional connection with Mary and Martha. (John 11:34-36, ESV) You can be the most spiritual person in the world and still have your emotions go up and down. (John 11:37-38, ESV) Jesus wants us to see, believe, and experience the power of His Word. (John 11:39-44, ESV)