
Snake Bite and The Great Rescue

Apr 17, 2024

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Snake Bite And The Great Rescue

Join Big Steve on a thrilling adventure as Noah follows a mysterious map leading to exciting discoveries and an unexpected challenge. Just when things seem to be going perfectly, Noah stumbles upon a wounded animal suffering from a snake bite. Panicked, he quickly calls Big Steve for help. 🆘 As they navigate this crisis, Big Steve realizes Noah has the essential tools all along – a first aid kit prepared for such emergencies, including an anti-venom kit. 🏥 Big Steve seizes this moment to draw a powerful parallel between the venom’s dangerous effects and the destructive nature of sin in our lives. 🌱 He explains how venom, like sin, spreads and harms, but just as the anti-venom cream heals the body, Jesus heals our souls by removing sin and restoring us to wholeness. 🛡️ This episode not only teaches practical first aid tips but also dives deep into the transformative power of Jesus’s presence in our lives, offering us a new beginning and an everlasting life. ✨

The Bible

God’sGreat Love:
Ephesians 2:1-10

The Big Idea

God loves us so much that He made us alive with Christ!

Talk It Out

  • What does Verse 5 & 6 mean?
  • What does “for it is by grace you have been saved” mean?
  • What did God do for us to show his Love?
  • How is God’s love so great?
  • How can you show love?

Focus On This

The emphasis for the kids this week should be that God loves us so much that He made us alive in Christ!
God’s love is the greatest thing we will ever receive.

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