
Easter Special: From Pearl Harbor to Resurrection – Victory in Darkness

Apr 2, 2024

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Easter Special: From Pearl Harbor to Resurrection – Victory in Darkness

In this Easter special episode of Big Steve’s Journey, we find Big Steve enveloped in the somber atmosphere of a Pearl Harbor exhibit at the museum. The imagery and the stories of loss and despair weigh heavily, mirroring a moment in history where it seemed as though darkness had prevailed. Amidst the sorrow, Big Steve wrestles with the feeling that at this point, the “bad guys” might have won. But Noah, with wisdom beyond his years, reminds Big Steve that Pearl Harbor was not the end of the story, just as the crucifixion of Jesus was not the end, but the beginning of the greatest victory. Together, they explore how the disciples might have felt after Jesus’s death, faced with despair and the appearance of defeat. Yet, the story takes a miraculous turn as they celebrate the resurrection of Jesus three days later, a moment that forever changed the course of history and humanity by defeating sin and death. This episode is a powerful reminder that even in our darkest moments, when all seems lost, there is hope and victory in Jesus. Through the lens of history and the truth of the Easter story, viewers are invited to find solace and strength in the ultimate triumph of good over evil, light over darkness, and life over death.

The Bible

The trail, The Cross, and The Resurrection:

Luke 22:66 Luke24:1-9


The Big Idea

Jesus is Victory!

Talk It Out

  1. What did Jesus do for our sins?
  2. What did the Women take to the tomb?
  3. Was Jesus there? How many days had passed since his death?
  4. What does verse 7 mean?
  5. Are we supposed to keep the news to our self or share it? How can we share it?

Focus On This

The emphasis for the kids this week should be that Jesus is Victory! Jesus was dead and came back to life to save us for our sins!

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