
Cliffhanger Rescue! Big Steve’s Daring Bridge Cross & Unexpected Ally

May 14, 2024

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Hold on tight as Big Steve’s quest to find Noah takes a dramatic turn! Right when things seem hopeful, the rope bridge collapses, leaving him in a perilous situation. 😱🌉 Using his quick thinking and trusty rope, he manages to get to the other side safely. But just when he thinks he’s overcome the worst, he hears a voice—familiar yet distant. As he peers down, he spots the girl he met on the plane, stranded and in need of help on the broken bridge. Faced with a tough decision and only one rope, Big Steve grapples with the ‘what ifs’. 🤔💭 With guidance from the Bible, he chooses compassion over caution, deciding to help her cross. 🙏💪 Join Big Steve in this thrilling episode as he demonstrates that even in the most stressful moments, we can make choices that reflect our best selves. Watch as he navigates physical and moral challenges, teaching us about bravery, trust, and the importance of being good to others.

The Bible

Living as Children of Light:
Ephesians 4:1-5:2

The Big Idea

We can live good lives!


Talk It Out

  1. How can we be humble? Gentle? Patient?
  2. How can we keep unity?
  3. What does verse 5 mean?
  4. What does verse 16 mean?
  5. How should we live for God?

Focus On This

 The emphasis for the kids this week should be that:

We can live good lives! With God, we can live good lives!

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