The Power of Words and Wisdom
Why Shouldn’t everyone want to be a teacher? (James 3:1,NIV)
- Because you will be judgedby God stricter.(Hebrews 13:17,NKJV, MSG)
- The influence for good or bad.
- The time and work it takes.(Acts 20:28,NIV)
- The Pastoral leader is to:1.
- Provide (feed the sheep).(John 21:15-17,NIV)
- 2.Protect the sheep.(Acts 20:28-30NIV, MSG; Galatians 6:1,NIV)
- Pray for the sheep.
Everyone is to be teaching.(Matthew 28:18-20,NIV) This kind of teaching is way more about character than knowledge.g.Don’t become judges like the Pharisees.(James 3:1,KJV; TLB)
The power of the tongue.(James 3:2-6,NIV)
Just as a small bit controls a horse and a rudder steers a ship, the tongue has the power to direct our entire lives. You will never completely control your tongue.(James 3:8,NIV)
How can we better control our tongue? Ask God for help.(Psalm 141:3,NIV; Proverbs 10:19,NIV; James 1:19,NIV) Fill your heart with God’s Word.(Luke 6:45,NIV; Colossians 3:16,NIV) Speak words that build up, not tear down.(Ephesians 4:29,NIV; Proverbs15:1,NIV) Rely on the Holy Spirit.(Galatians 5:22-23,NIV)