Time to Dream | How to Survive Until You Thrive
Understand the process.
If you don’t understand the process, the disappointments will defeat you instead of develop you. The greater the dream, the greater the process and pain. The greater the dream, the greater the development. How we develop will greatly determine our destiny. God has a predetermined destiny that is greater than you can understand or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20, NKJV; John 14:12-14, NKJV; Ephesians 2:10, NKJV, AMPC) As you learn to survive during the times of being processed or developed, that in turn, will allow you to endure until you thrive.
Joseph learned to survive until he thrived.
(Genesis 37:18-19, NKJV)
If you have big dreams, be very careful who you share them with and when. The greater the dream, the greater the development.
The longer it takes you to develop, the longer you have to go through the process or test. God gives every one of us great dreams.
God created you in His image and gives each of us creative sides to dream. Time and pressure often squeeze the dream out of us. If you will learn the process, live out the process and not give up on the process, you will be promoted and used by God.
Joseph’s process to promotion.
At a young age, he had dreams. (Genesis 37:5-9, NKJV) He had total devastation. (Genesis 37:18-20, 23-28, NKJV) Total devastation should lead to total dependence on God. Total dependence on God leads to the right process in developing us to be used by God. When we don’t know or learn the process, it leads to defeat instead of development. When we don’t allow disappointments to develop us, we will continue to go through the disappointments and live a defeated life.
He began to prosper and dream again. (Genesis 39:2, NLT2) He went through another great disappointment or devastation. (Genesis 39:6-21, NLT2) The Lord can be with you in prison or the palace. Even during the disappointment, Joseph knew God was with him. Joseph knew the difference between being disappointed in a person, but not with God. Learn that even when people disappoint you, God will still be with you.
The process led to lasting promotion.
(Genesis 41:1, 5, 24-27, 38-40, NLT2)
Joseph was promoted to the second most powerful person in the land.
The process worked.
(Genesis 50:14-22, NLT2)
You know the development process is working when you can forgive those who have hurt you the most.