

One of our core values is “Saved People, Serve People.” Find a serving ministry below.
Admin Help
Admin HelpHelp assist staff on administrative tasks.
Clean Up
Help provide a clean campus for our guests.
Help wake people up for worship. Make sure coffee is made.
Provide a welcoming atmosphere for our guests. Distributes bulletins at doors.
Greeters are the first people you see when you enter Journey Church on Sunday morning. We want everyone who enters our church to feel loved and special. Whether you are a visitor or member, we want you to feel like part of our family. Our goal is to share God’s love with each and every person we come in contact with.
JC Angels
Help with meals for special events and occasions such as funerals, weddings, etc. The purpose of JC’s Angels is to minister to those who are hurting during death or illness, who are not connected to a Journey Group, by providing meals, or food for the funeral home. Also they assist the pastor when we have special events by cooking, cleaning and decorating.
Hospital Visitation
The hospital ministry goes far beyond just making visits. It is “being there” for other during a time of need. Our ministry consists of visiting people in the hospital and ministering not only to them, but their families. Through this, we are able to build relationships with people and share in their hurts, sorrows, and even times of rejoicing. If you have a real love for people, have compassion for them, and you want to “be there” for someone and build relationships with them, this ministry is for you.
Journey Group Leader
Help grow people closer to God through bible studies and make sure they are taken care of when life happens.
Kid’s Check-In
Help our parents and kids feel welcome and secure. Quick on the computer.
Help share the message through Sound, Screens, Lights, Cameras, Live Stream, CD Recordings.
Kid’s Teacher Assistant
Help our little ones to feel loved and assist the teacher.
Mission Center
Help provide those in need with food, clothing and household items. Sort and distribute items on Mon. & Wed 9AM-5PM
Kid’s Teacher
Grow our little ones closer to Jesus. Lead our little ones in bible studies and fun.
Help people praise and worship God. Play an instrument? Sing?
Handyman? Electrician? Plumber? We have projects for you.
Help our babies feel love and care while giving the parents an opportunity to worship.
P.I.G.S. – People in God’s Service
P.I.G.S. is one of several ways Journey Church welcomes a first-time visitor to our church. In fact, if you filled out a visitor card at Journey Church, you may have already received a visit from the P.I.G.S. People In God’s Service is simply a way to let our guests know how thankful we are they have visited Journey Church. How does P.I.G.S. work? Every Monday at 6:00 p.m. P.I.G.S. meet in the Adult Learning Center (Building B). From there we head out to visitors’ homes with a P.I.G.S. cake in hand. We go to the home and deliver the cake. If the visitor is home we thank them for visiting Journey Church. We do not go inside the home, and we do not deliver any other church material. We just say thanks for coming to Journey Church and express our hope that they will come again. It’s that simple. Stop! Drop! and Roll! You may be asking: Where do the cakes come from? Who makes them? Who pays for the supplies to make the cakes? Can I be one of the P.I.G.S.? Do I have to participate every week? Can I help make the cakes? Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes, you can go out just one time a month … or just once a year. Yes, you can help make the cakes. No, you do not have to supply the supplies for making the cake—the church does that. Yes, you can be one of the P.I.G.S. It’s as easy as calling the church office to let them know you’re interested or contact the “Boss Hog” – Joey Peel – at 318-201-5131. P.I.G.S.! An exciting and fun way to bring the love of Jesus Christ and Journey Church right to the visitors’ front door. Stop! Drop! and Roll!
Parking Lot Greeters
Help our visitor feel welcome and safe. It’s our job to greet everyone, visitors and members alike as we help you to find your way around Journey Church. Whatever you need, we’ve got you covered.
Phone Call Team
Help make people feel welcomed, loved and informed. Love talking to people? This is for you.
Help pray for the needs of our church, staff and people
Helps provide campus security and safety.
Small Group Facilitator
Facilitate a small group and help people grow closer to God through DVD driven bible studies.
Help people feel welcome by being attentive to their needs. Whether you are a visitor a member or you have been coming and haven’t decided yet to make Journey your home, the ushers are here to help you feel at home and to address any need you may have. Please feel free to come to me or any other usher for help. May you experience GOD’S love through the ushers of Journey Church.
Visitor Kiosk
The start point to help Bro. James follow up on first time guests. Quick on Computer. At the connect booth, it’s our job to help you get connected to Journey Church and give you all of the information that you need. If you have any questions about Journey Church, just come to the kiosk and ask, we’ll be there to help you.
Youth Teacher
Help grow our students through teaching. 7th-12th Grade
Youth Chaperone
]Help our students feel loved.
Worship Team
Help people praise and worship God. The mission and purpose of our Worship Team is to glorify God by creating an environment where anyone, no matter your problem or situation, can move beyond the chaos of daily life to the presence of the Lord.We humbly serve Him in a spirit of excellence, and through music, prepare hearts to receive His word and draw into a relationship with Him. Worship isn’t just a time and place, it’s a lifestyle. We all come from different walks of life, but we’re all called to worship. We’re all called to lift His name above every name. He gave it all for us, so each Sunday we long to go deeper with Him. You may know the songs, you may not, but knowing the song isn’t required to worship God. Everyone worships in their own way. Some lift their hands, some sing, some fall to their knees, and some sit and soak in His presence. Whatever it be, worship in your own way, and draw closer to the heart of Jesus with us each and every Sunday.
Secrets of Triumphant Living

Secrets of Triumphant Living

Secrets to Triumphant Living Lasting joy comes through obedience, not just learning. (James 1:4, NIV) Perseverance implies obedience. Learning how to have joy in trials is one of the fastest and wisest ways to grow as a Christian. (James 1:2, NIV) God can use trials...

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Caleb, the 85-Year-Old Giant Slayer

Caleb, the 85-Year-Old Giant Slayer

Caleb, the 85-Year-Old Giant Slayer Hidden Truths. (Joshua 14:10-12, NCV) What battle have you been avoiding? What’s caused you the greatest fear in 2024? The problems (giants) don’t just go away, we have to fight them, face them, and finish them. Stop running from...

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The Past Helps Prepare You for the Future

The Past Helps Prepare You for the Future

The Past Helps Prepare You for the Future Apply the growth cycle to have the best 2025.(2 Peter 3:18,NIV) God’s grace gives us the power to move forward; God’s knowledge helps us learn and avoid repeating mistakes. The only guarantee that life will get better is to...

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The Gift of the Promise

The Gift of the Promise

The Gift of the Promise Jesus: The fulfillment of God’s ultimate promise. Luke 2:11, NIV As soon as Adam and Eve sinned, God made a promise to send a Savior. Genesis 3:15,NIV You can’t out-sin God, you can only run from Him and your sins. Allow your sin to cause you...

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The Gift of Perseverance

The Gift of Perseverance

The Gift of Perseverance Perseverance is predictable. (Luke 2:4-5,NIV) You will experience God’s promises and provisions. You get to experience a quality of life that others won’t. (James 1:12, NIV; Galatians 6:9, NIV; Hebrews 10:36,NIV) You will have answered...

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The Gift of Peace

The Gift of Peace

The Gift of Peace  Jesus, our wonderful Counselor. (Isaiah 9:6,NIV) 1.He provides wisdom and guidance beyond human understanding.(John 14:26,NIV) We can go from a wondering life to a wonderful life. How Jesus brings us peace: Through His counsel.(Isaiah 30:21,NIV;...

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The Gift of God’s Presence

The Gift of God’s Presence

The Gift of God’s Presence God is with us in our struggles. (Matthew 1:23) God sent Jesus so that we would never have to face struggles alone. (Psalm 46:1) God didn’t just send us a Savior, He sent someone who would walk through human struggles and fully understand...

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Sowing Generosity, Reaping Joy

Sowing Generosity, Reaping Joy

Sowing Generosity, Reaping Joy God honors generous giving. (2 Corinthians 9:6-8, NIV) When you don’t tithe and give generously, you should expect to get. It’s all about the heart. God honors those who give with a joyful heart. Don’t give out of pressure but give out...

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The Transformative Power of Thanksgiving

The Transformative Power of Thanksgiving

The Transformative Power of Thanksgiving Have the peace of Christ rule your heart. (Colossians 3:15-17, NIV) Surrender control and trust God’s sovereignty. Secure yourself in God’s Word. Settle the peace of Christ deep within you. The overflow of peace should lead to...

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Mercy Before Miracles

Mercy Before Miracles

Mercy Before Miracles Mercy pathway to miracles. (Luke 17:11-19, NKJV) The lepers did not ask for a miracle, they asked for mercy. Most miracles come as a result of seeking God’s mercy, not from relying on our own good works or goodness. If you need God’s mercy and...

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