Journey Church Game Plan

From Sideline to Goal Line

Aug 23, 2024

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From Sideline to Goal Line

Busted and Banished.

  • Moses’ flight from Egypt.(Exodus 2:11-15)
  • Moses’ life in Midian.(Exodus 2:21-22; James 4:10,NKJV)
  • Moses’ Call.

Allow God to get your attention.

With the burning bush, Moses had to be aware that God was using something that was ordinary and doing the extraordinary. (Exodus 3:1-5,NCV) To hear from God, we need to be aware of what God might be using to get our attention. (Psalm 37:23,NKJV) God has a plan for your life, and He wants to get your attention and help you to carry it out. (Jeremiah 29:11,NIV)

Come closer to God where you can hear from God.(Exodus 3:3)

The Lord knows when you are ready to hear His call. God is ready to speak to you, to use you, and to forgive you.

Clean up before you come close up. (Exodus 3:5)

Holy means to separate. God does not want anything between us and Him. If God is in it, it flows. If God is not in it, it’s forced. (James 4:6-8,NKJV; James 4:10,NKJV)


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