
Big Steven tried to make sure Noah doesn’t quit

Big Steven tried to make sure Noah doesn’t quit Noah has been waiting a long time to see this awesome meteor shower! But, he is starting to get a little impatient and wants to go home! Big Steve doesn’t want Noah to miss out on this great opportunity. Will...

Are planes lame or amazing?

Are planes lame or amazing?  Noah sees a plane, which Big Steve thinks is simply amazing. Noah doesn’t agree and thinks it is lame because a plane isn’t what he is there waiting for. Can something still be amazing and have a purpose even if it isn’t...

Noah always dreamed of watching a Meteor Shower!

Noah always dreamed of watching a Meteor Shower! Noah has been waiting all year for this meteor shower! He is so excited that he just had to call Big Steve! Big Steve gets to share in the excitement with Noah! But will everything go as planned? Connect with Big Steve!...

It is Friday night which means it is game night!

It is Friday night which means it is game night! Friday night and Noah is getting ready for the big game! Though, he seems to forget that he isn’t the only player on that field. There are a lot of different players who all serve an important part in the game!...

Big Steve talks to Noah in Detention

Big Steve talks to Noah in Detention Noah got in trouble! Straight to detention for you Noah! Only, it wasn’t his fault, for real this time! It reminds Big Steve about how Joseph got in trouble through no fault of his own, but God was able to turn that whole...