
Journey To Jesus

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Dec 10, 2021

Journey to the Light: Journey to Jesus 

Realize you’re not where you should be in your relationship with Jesus.

Read Matthew 2:1-2, NKJV

Realize you need to make some changes. Admit that part of the change includes Jesus. (Psalm 127:1, NKJV; Proverbs 21:21, TLB; Matthew 6:32-33, NKJV) Don’t give up until you have Jesus in that relationship and in the area you know needs to be changed. God might not make things right immediately, but He will eventually.

Realize the Star (light) did not come to condemn them but to connect with them.

The Star is a type of Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was leading the wise men to find Jesus. The Star did not try to change them, the Star tried to connect with them. God, the Star, was taking them from where they were to where they needed to be.

You might be __________. God wants to meet you there and help bring you where you need to be. (Romans 8:1, NKJV) God will bring conviction because it’s for our good. Without conviction, there would be no change – without conviction, you would have to live with the condemnation. (1 John 1:8-10, NKJV)

Knowing about Jesus and knowing Jesus is not the same.

Read Matthew 2:1-2, NKJV

We can’t confuse spiritual activity with spiritual maturity. (Matthew 2:4-5, NKJV) The chief priests and scribes knew about Jesus, but they did not know Jesus. Once the wise men met Jesus, they changed. The King, chief priests, and scribes went right back to the same way they were living before. They did not know Jesus.

Fruit is at root of what you really believe. (Matthew 7:20, NKJV) The root is Jesus, the fruit is other Christians – love, joy, and peace.

“I’m not where I should be, but thank God I’m not where I use to be.” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NKJV, NLT)

One of God’s greatest gifts is the gift of giving.

Read Matthew 2:6-11, NKJV

People know about the spiritual gifts God gives when it comes to teaching, preaching, serving, and encouraging but few know about one of the greatest spiritual gifts of giving. (Romans 12:8, NKJV)

You can’t out-give God. The wise men gave gifts, but they received the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ as their Savior. One of the only cures for greed and selfishness is giving.




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