
Wild Faith

Wild Faith

Memory Verse

Isaiah 40:8

“The grass dries up. The flowers fall to the ground, but what our God says will stand forever”


Main Point

Trust God to be your leader


Bible Story

Genesis 12:1-8

God Calls Abram



God chose one man, Abram, to start a new nation. He told Abram to leave his home and begin traveling. Abram took a few of his family members and began to travel.

Abram believed God when He told him that he needed to do this and that the whole new world would be blessed through his new nation that he would start. God was using Abram to bless man and Abram had true living faith in God and this why he would succeed.

Abram was not perfect, but he had faith and acted on that faith to go when God told him to go, despite all the unknowns.

Abram trusted God to be his leader & to get him to where he needed to be.

God has a purpose for all of us, but we have to have faith and trust Him to lead us there if we want to fulfill that purpose.

Get the Kids Involved

Remember that you can be confident when you let God lead you. Gods plans for us are always much better than our own.

Think about what would have happened if Abram would have been to afraid to just pack up and leave & instead he chose to stay put where he was comfortable.

Talk about how it can be hard to let go of control over our lives sometimes and to put God in complete control, but how if we do we will succeed.


    Goals for the Week

    Memorize memory verse

    Read Genesis 12: 1-12

    Make a list of goals and dreams for yourself and put them in your bible, reminding you to pray and give God the control over those things, letting His will have its way instead of ours, knowing that sometimes our plans are not the same as Gods.

    Play a game: get a blindfold & put it on have your family give you directions to get through the house or yard without hitting anything. The goal in this game is to see how it can be hard to let someone lead us when we cant see where we are going, just as Abram trusted God to lead him without knowing where he was going or how he would make it, but he did because he had faith. Ask yourself if it was easier for you to trust one person in your family giving you directions over another person talk about