
Is Big Steve A Cheater?!?

Is Big Steve A Cheater?!?

Don’t do it Big Steve! Being a cheater isn’t cool! You can figure this out all on your own man! Or, well, maybe think a little bit more like Jesus and you can figure this one out! Join us today and figure out the big idea with Big Steve! Connect with Big Steve! Website ► https://www.jcpineville.com/children YouTube ►    / stevenwithjckids   Facebook ►   / jcjourneychildren   Instagram ►   / jcchildren   Thanks for going on today’s Journey! To go on some more Journey’s with Big Steve and friends check out the links below! More educational fun with Big Steve:    • Short Educational Videos  

The Bible

Jesus said no to Temptation:

Matthew 4:1-11

The Big Idea

Jesus resisted temptation with the Bible!

Talk It Out

  1. How many times did the devil tempt Jesus?
  2. What are the three things that he got tempted with?
  3. Where was Jesus when he was tempted?
  4. What was Jesus doing?
  5. Where were the disciples when this was going on?

Focus On This

The emphasis for the kids this week is that Jesus resisted temptation with the bible! Jesus was able to resist the temptation of the devil.

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