
Cave Adventure: Noah’s Leap of Faith with the Lantern

Cave Adventure: Noah’s Leap of Faith with the Lantern

In today’s thrilling episode, Noah faces a daunting challenge at the mouth of a dark cave, hesitant to proceed due to the enveloping darkness and unknown dangers lurking within. 🕯️👀 Big Steve, always ready with wise counsel, encourages Noah by pointing out that he’s not alone—he has a lantern that can light the way through the dark cave.

With a bit of persuasion, Noah ventures inside with his lantern, discovering that the light transforms his scariest journey into one of his favorites! 🌟🎒 Once inside, Noah’s fear dissipates, and he eagerly asks Big Steve for the story he promised. Big Steve explains that just like the lantern guided him safely through the cave, the Holy Spirit guides us through life’s darkest and most uncertain moments.

He elaborates that the Holy Spirit doesn’t reveal everything at once but illuminates our immediate steps, showing us where to go and what to avoid right now. This journey through the cave becomes a powerful metaphor for faith, illustrating how following the Holy Spirit can lead us safely through challenging times. 🙏💫

The Bible

The Mystery of Christ:
Ephesians 3:1-13

The Big Idea

God has a special plan revealed to us by the Holy Spirit!

Talk It Out

What does verse 7 mean?

“Approach God with freedom and confidence” How can we do that?

What does it mean to be a servant of the Gospel?

What is an heir?

Are we heirs of Christ?

Focus On This

The emphasis for the kids this week should be that God has a special plan revealed to us by the Holy Spirit! God has a plan for all of us!

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