
🏀 Rising Above: Big Steve Turns Basketball Taunts into Respect! 🌟

🏀 Rising Above: Big Steve Turns Basketball Taunts into Respect! 🌟

Catch Big Steve and Max hitting the basketball court in todayโ€™s episode! As the game heats up, some players start throwing taunts their way, trying to rattle them. Initially, Big Steve and Max respond with some smack talk of their own, but things take a turn when Kat overhears them. 📞👂 Reminded of how Jesus handled ridicule and how he taught his disciples to act, Big Steve realizes that they should set a better example. He recalls that even when Jesus was made fun of, he chose kindness over confrontation. Inspired by this lesson, Big Steve and Max change their approach and start treating their opponents with respect. 🙌✨ Watch as the game transforms from tense to enjoyable, proving that respect and good sportsmanship not only make the game more fun but also teach us all a valuable lesson about how to treat others. Connect with Big Steve! Website โ–บ https://www.jcpineville.com/children YouTube โ–บ https://www.youtube.com/c/Stevenwithj… TikTok โ–บ https://www.tiktok.com/@bigstevesjourney Thanks for going on today’s Journey! To go on some more Journey’s with Big Steve and friends check out the links below! More educational fun with Big Steve: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5…

The Bible

Take up your cross:

Mark 8:34-38

The Big Idea

We have to take up our cross

Talk It Out

  1. Explain Verse 34. What does it mean to take up your cross and follow me?
  2. What does it mean when it says, โ€œfor whoever want to save their life will lose it ,but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.โ€ (35).
  3. What does verse 38 mean?
  4. How can you take up your cross?

Focus On This

The emphasis for the kids this week should be that We have to take up our cross No matter what we need to follow Jesus

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