
Easter Sunday 4/12/2020 Kids Church Online

Easter Sunday – Jesus Died To Save Us!

Memory Verse

Romans 5:8

But here is how God has shown His love for us. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


Bible Story

Genesis 3:2-6

John 19:30, 38-40

John 20:11-18



Thinking about Easter some may think about baskets of goodies, or hiding eggs or getting dressed up for church. But what is Easter really about? In Genesis we learn how God created our world and how He created Adam and Eve, the world was perfect until Adam and Eve disobeyed God, causing Sin which separates us as humans from God. This is the bad news. The good news is the story doesn’t stop there God later sent Jesus his son to Earth so He could make away for us to be close to God againJesus died on the cross to take away the sin that came about after Adam and Eve disobeyed. In the book of John we learn how Jesus died on a Friday and was put in a tomb, when Mary Magdalene visited the tomb on Sunday it was empty. Jesus was alive! He conquered death, all for us and our sins!


Get the Kids Involved

Do you know Jesus? Do you believe He died for you and rose from the dead? Do you trust Him? 

If we put our trust in Jesus He will give us a new life. He will take away our sin and give us that good relationship with God back. 

If you believe this and have already asked Jesus in your heart then remember Easter is a time to celebrate what Jesus did for us! You can celebrate that no matter where you are, this news is too good not to celebrate and share with others! 

If you haven’t asked Jesus to live in your heart yet, that’s okay we are here to guide you on your walk with Him and to Him! You can still celebrate all He is doing in your life to get you to the greatest decision in your life, asking Jesus to be in control of it!

      Goals for the Week

      • Memorize memory verse
      • Read the Bible Stories
      • Tell your parents about what it means for Jesus to be in your heart!
      • Spread the word that Jesus is alive!


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