
V.I.P. Experiece Information

Thank you for signing up for our V.I.P. experience. We hope to make your visit extra special. Please continue to read to find out what to expect.

Plan to Arrive 45 Minutes Before Your Service

Because we are expecting large crowds and to ensure that you get the fullest experience, please plan to arrive at least 45 minutes early. Service start times are Saturday @ 5PM, Sunday @ 8:30AM, 10AM & 11:30AM. The recommended show up times are Saturday @ 4:15pm, Sunday @ 7:45AM, 9:15AM & 10:45AM.

V.I.P. Parking

Journey Church
2900 Donahue Ferry Rd
Pineville, LA 71360

As you get near to the church, please put your flashers on. This will let our parking team know that you have V.I.P. parking and they will point you to the correct location.

We will have 2 locations for V.I.P. Parking, 1 in our small lot and 1 in our larger lot for overflow.

Meet Our V.I.P. Team

When you park, our V.I.P. Team will meet you can give you a V.I.P. Lanyard. If you arrive early, they will guide you to the V.I.P. lounge where you can get  a free gift, refreshments & get a free family portrait with 8×10 print.

6th Grade & Under Kids’ Checkin

If have children 6th grade and under we highly recommend checking them into our children’s ministry. They have an incredible day lined out just for them! Don’t worry, you won’t miss out on all the fun, after service is done, you can pick them up and enjoy the outdoor festivites that we have. If this will be the first time checking your kids in, we recommend that you pre-register your kids to speed up the process. The VIP Lounge has it’s own kid’s checkin that helps bypass the lines.

V.I.P. Seating in the Sanctuary

We will have reserved seating in the Sanctuary for your family. *Seats will be reserved up to 10 minutes prior to service, please arrive early to get priority seating.