
Pray Every Day

May 9, 2020

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I Can Remember To Pray Every Day

Memory Verse

1 Corinthians 12:27

You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it.


Main Point

When I play, I can remember to pray every day.


Bible Story

1 Samuel 17:40-50

David and Goliath



David was small but he was the only one willing to take on Goliath. David prepared for his battle but did not put his faith and trust in his weapons or his size, he put it in God. David prayed and trusted God to see him through the fight & God was the reason he won.

Sometimes we want the rewards from God without putting in the work. We cannot expect God to show up to our battles if we are not putting our time and faith in Him through our prayers, our readings, what we listen to, who we hang out with, what we watch on tv, all these things influence our lives; but God should be the main influence and should help us choose what we listen to watch and who we hang out with.

Nothing should come before God, and if we are putting things before Him and not living the way He wants us to we cannot expect the rewards.


Get the Kids Involved

Talk about what you think would have happened if David would have expected the reward of winning the fight but did not have a relationship with God.

Think of times where you have wanted a reward or prize without doing anything to earn it.

Remember that if we can remember to play we can remember to pray. Nothing should be more important than our relationship with God. We should never be too busy for Him

 We must make God a priority if we want to benefit from His rewards.

Focus on building your prayer life!


    Goals for the Week

    Memorize memory verse

    Read 1 Samuel 17:40-50

    Do some research in your bible and find and make a list of the promises God makes available to His followers, put a star by some of the promises you would like to receive; then make a list of ways you can build your relationship with Him to receive those promises.

    Think of ways you can remind yourself to pray everyday. (Put a sticky note on your Mirror so you see it when you get ready in the morning and ready for bed at night, set an alarm on your phone or tablet, put a note on your game so before you pick it up to play you pray first)

    Make sure you are never too busy for God, if you have time to play, you have time to pray!


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